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04.05.2023 20:34, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #52299

In conformity with #52298 photo comment.

02.05.2023 17:07, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #77470

To clarify the species, we are waiting for the curator's comments.

01.05.2023 22:40, Peter Khramov: comment on Chrysolina reitteri

Andrey, a big request: submit corrections on the definition of photos at the pages of photos, and not at the pages of the species they illustrate.

28.04.2023 23:30, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #61747

Moved to Orthospila orissusalis.

24.04.2023 15:50, Peter Khramov: comment on Paleosepharia khramovi

Pavel it's nice of you to name the species after me. Thank you)

22.04.2023 18:36, Peter Khramov: comment on Alcides karelinii

Photo and description moved to Alcidodes karelinii.

22.04.2023 18:35, Peter Khramov: comment on Alcidodes karelinii

To the request on the page https://insecta.pro/ru/taxonomy/199154: while I'm creating a taxon of this kind (based on ZIN et al.), there will be a curator of the taxon — if necessary, he will move it.

22.04.2023 18:22, Peter Khramov: comment on Rhogogaster viridis

Andrey, larvae too?

22.04.2023 18:21, Peter Khramov: comment on Cucujus cinnaberinus

So that the request does not hang empty: the photos have been moved.

22.04.2023 16:55, Peter Khramov: comment on Autosuggestions are working Ok now

There was a problem with autosuggestions engine but it\\\'s solved now. The taxa search through all the website (including images uploading and taxa linking) is fully-functioning now. If you still have problems with autosuggestions — just press Ctrl+F5 to reload the webpage without the cash data.

26.03.2023 23:45, Peter Khramov: comment on If you can't upload your photo

If your file is less than 5 MB but you get upload error — try to make the file size even less. It\'s temporary but and we\'ll fix it but in the meantime...

20.02.2023 23:53, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #52100

We have comment from email: It is a Gonocerus acuteangulatus. It is not an Haploprocta sulcicornis. Look the edge of the neck : on your picture it has the same color than the pronotum: this would not be the case it it was an Haploprocta sulcicornis.

24.01.2023 18:01, Yuriy Karpov: comment on Aeshna crenata

Aeshna crenata Hagen, 1856

24.01.2023 17:53, Yuriy Karpov: comment on Ophiogomphus obscurus

Ophiogomphus obscurus - Russian name is Змеедедка тёмный.

20.01.2023 6:18, Owl Soul: comment on

Yes, how to edit it here... It's just Hello! then :)

17.01.2023 11:32, Insect forum: comment on

I’ll answer my own question. This is a predatory bug https://imageup.ru/img15/4167793/klop-khishchnets.png

02.11.2022 18:45, Андреас: comment on

Во дворе сегодня роились Trichoceridae: https://cloud.mail.ru/public/uTWt/MC85ZPice

23.09.2022 18:14, А.Чегар.: comment on

Сегодня в селе Бачой (7 км от Кишинева) на освещенных и теплых воротах домов заметил понарассевшися каких-то "совок". На некоторых участках в две ладошки по 2-3 шт. сидели. Тронул одну пальцем. Ваххх!!!!! ...

27.08.2022 16:31, Ivan Tislenko: comment on

There http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=275983&st=350 they may be interested.

17.07.2022 14:18, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #69296

According to the comment on the Cucujus cinnaberinus page.

17.07.2022 14:18, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #69295

According to the comment on the Cucujus cinnaberinus page.

17.07.2022 14:18, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #69294

According to the comment on the Cucujus cinnaberinus page.

15.07.2022 18:38, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81337

Thanks! The location is quite interesting.

02.07.2022 16:05, Daniil Daniil: comment on

Good afternoon. Please help me determine the species of beetle, I suspect that it's Ergates pauper, but there are some doubts. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZBa3IvnPahH3V8XoRHRiWFIBuFmtQvhD/view?usp=sharing.

07.05.2022 13:11, Viktoriya Sivokon: comment on

I didn't really understand how to upload photo to discussions, but there is a photo on the sebsite uploaded through my personal account. Or here is a link to Yandex disk https://disk .yandex.ru/i/T7-XvilZXHRBiw

14.12.2021 21:03, Tomas.Adzkee: comment on

Приветствую! Буду рад рекомендациям по Мексике (февраль-март) - точки и вывоз. Интересуют жуки, по большей части

02.12.2021 14:06, Aleksandr Godin: comment on Tiliacea aurago

Very variable species. Not uncommon. Active flying from mid-September to mid-October. It is not active on the nightscreen, but it does not sit under the lamp. Noted: Belgorod region. around S. Boldyrevka,. ur. "Mukhanovo – Shelenkovo", oak forest edge and around Golovino, ur. "Verkina river",

02.12.2021 13:49, Aleksandr Godin: comment on Tiliacea sulphurago

Dear Peter, not a very rare butterfly for the Mukhanovo tract of the Belgorod region. During the active flying period, from 5 to 7 specimen are observed. As for the other places in the Belgorod region, it is not observed. Especially massively flies in late September to mid-October. This information was transmitted to A.Yu. Matov.

04.11.2021 12:06, Anatoliy Kuzmin: comment on Harmonia axyridis

In the distribution section, you can specify the Rostov region. Two specimens were caught in a private yard, photos are on display.

02.11.2021 13:04, Dmitrii Musolin: comment on

Уважаемые коллеги, добрый день!У нас продолжается проект РНФ по инвазивным вредителям юга России. Часть проекта - генетический анализ путей инвазии в европейскую часть России (и шире - в Европу) коричнево-мраморного ...

27.10.2021 21:24, Peter Khramov: comment on Heterarthrus ochropoda

The photos were moved to Heterarthrus fasciatus (Andrey has confirmed the species but he didn't send the message to the website).

27.10.2021 13:23, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #81192

Tom, imago = adult insect :--)

17.08.2021 20:48, Darya Kuzmuk: comment on

Please tell me the species of grasshopper. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gIg_-Nb9DhahFUZm8NWgwfEZhkrVlWxn/view?usp=sharing

13.08.2021 13:13, Peter Khramov: comment on

Good afternoon. At the top of any page (when you are in your account) there is a link "Upload to the site". Fill in the fields, select the photo file and upload it.

09.07.2021 4:54, Max Gregor: comment on

Please tell me the species of insect. The size is not more than 0.5 mm. Found in a parrot cage.

07.07.2021 20:48, Antonio Banderas: comment on A Lepidoptera speceis identification

18.06.2021 0:23, irina pavlova: comment on

Hello! Please tell me how you can temporarily put an insect to sleep? I'm being honest, it's for Sanitary & Epidemiological Station. The fact is that mom got fleas, (the dog brought), ten treatments all meaningless. And in the only state Sanitary & Epidemiological Station, entomologists, must decompose the collected fleas into flasks with poisons, and for this the fleas must be euthanized, but ...

15.05.2021 18:21, Julia Antonova: comment on

Please help me to identify the insect. It appeared last summer on the balcony. With the onset of cold weather it disappeared, but with the arrival of heat it reappeared and now it has moved to the kitchen. There are a lot of small dark bugs, very fast (they don't fly, but they seem to bounce when trying to catch) They huddle together, but they also run separately. With antennas. Today for the ...

22.04.2021 7:04, Vera Volkotrub: comment on Need help!

The baiting of the entire apartment building helps, in a single apartment, in addition to baiting, repairs with filling the floor and sealing all the cracks, a grid for ventilation holes, sockets (if it is a panel house).

02.03.2021 8:16, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #73364


11.12.2020 13:47, Alexandr Karpenko: comment on

I want to apologize if I created a topic not in the appropriate section, but I really need help. About two weeks ago we found insects (see pictures) in small numbers, we thought they would stay a little bit and fly away. But yesterday, as it turned out, about 300 of these specimen were killed, but they settled on the loggia (in the common room, on flowers, in clothes in boxes, just on the ...

25.11.2020 17:34, Sergey Lakhtarin: comment on

Good afternoon. a few days ago, in the kitchen on the ceiling, I began to notice such illegal residents. The length is about 2 cm . I shoot 5-7 pieces every day. Please help me identify him. I live in the Krasnodar region.

22.11.2020 10:37, Andrey Ponomarev: comment on Cionus tuberculosus

Cionus tuberculosus (Scopoli, 1763) probably.

09.11.2020 15:37, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Polia serratilinea

What are you talking about, Stanislav? Does your post refer to the page "Polia. serratilinea (Ochsenheimer, 1816)"? two photos on the page are butterflies from the Volgograd region and are identified correctly. Polia lama Staudinger,1896, it is not marked for Europe. There is a third photo from Kyrgyzstan in the gallery of this species. If your post is for this photo, then it is advisable to ...

28.09.2020 13:42, Alexander Tarakanov: comment on

Hello! Recently I got cockroaches of this species and faced the task - how to feed them? They don't eat: - carrots - apple - a pear - bread - oatmeal - cat food I keep it in oak litter on a thermal mat, the humidity is good. What do you feed your chess cockroaches?

24.09.2020 13:26, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #63763

Definitely it's not Episema tersa, from the species with white wings (lederi/amasina) I guess it's Episema lederi, but maybe there is something else purely Asian.

31.08.2020 18:49, Nikolay Grebennikov: comment on photo #79220

It turns out that it is not in the catalog of the Russian Lepidoptera in the 2nd edition in the 17th Russian region, but in fact there it is)?

08.08.2020 8:02, Askar Isabekov: comment on

Dear friends, could you help me to id Parnassius butterflies? Unfortunately I didn't find any detailed field guide of Parnassius group. In case of you know the species in photo, please write the important features which indicate to species. Thank you for ...

26.07.2020 21:20, Vladimir kashta: comment on


25.07.2020 15:19, Ekaterina Nabokova: comment on

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Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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