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Discussions on the website functionality

Comments and suggestions on the technical aspects of the website. Ideas about new sections and projects. All registered users can upload topics and comment.

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Галерея сайта и раздел "Изображения насекомых" (5) Aleksandr Dymchenko

Hello! My question is: should I make posts in the "Insect Images" section of the forum with photos of insects that are already in the gallery?

24.11.2024 19:53 Aleksandr Dymchenko

As for me, discussions do not interfere with images, but only complement them and make the topic more interesting. But this, of course, is just my ...

Plans for adding and adjusting the functionality of the website (6) Петр Храмов

In the starting post of this topic I publish plans — separately what is planned to be added and corrected without radical changes in the design and software part of the site and separately — with a complete rework of the "engine" and design. In ...

24.11.2024 12:48 Peter Khramov

Victor, thank you, I fixed it, I'll do it. I think it will be ready in a week, but first I will finish the email newsletters (not all of them have ...

About glitches, bugs, or other problems in the site (262) Peter Khramov

Ladies and gentlemen, if you notice that the site is something does not work or does not work at all, shows not what you need, or shows something bad - please do not be lazy and clear message about this to my e-mail or in the section " The Community ...

21.11.2024 19:15 Peter Khramov

Peter, regarding the division in the gallery — it is there, and with much greater possibilities. In the right block you can enter the name of any ...

About the letter, comments and add information about the kinds of (3) Peter Khramov

People! I have to ask you. Let's take a little more attentive to what and how we write on the site - in the comments and with the addition of information on the species. God is with him, with a long dash (-) instead of a hyphen (-), it should ...

29.11.2023 23:31 Peter Khramov

It's been less than 5.5 years, and I've already fixed the typo!)

Offer Site (114) Nikolai Vladimirov

It would be nice to send a notice of the determination of an unknown species or inaccurate opredelnie mail the author ... At the same time, once we went pro notice :) - I would like to be notified of and responses to the guest ...

16.04.2017 10:25 Boris Loboda

> Сейчас нет. Надо делать. Сейчас, когда крутишься на десятках сайтов, нереально ...

Duplicate records (2) Miran Cvenkel

duplicate by Species name & author I guess these records shold be merged into single record, doh they differ sometimes in other data than Species name & author put belov indexes into following link pattern: ...

21.10.2016 14:16 Miran Cvenkel

I don't know, my second post here and no contence, doh one can see it (part of it) at threads list ...

To discuss the information on the description page of the form (44) Evgeny Komarov

Colleagues I ask a question: why on the page describing a kind, in my opinion, absolutely meaningless "gadget ": "Other butterflies with the same set of colors "? See what you see as a comparison. Or why is that? Places, and possible traffic ...

20.06.2016 9:05 Yuri Semejkin

Eugene! We don't complain about the city's biodiversity, but sometimes I'm surprised myself. With the weather, I think everything will be OK for you. ...

The need for entering forms, aberrations and other types of variability of species if they are clearly marked signs and scientific names. (8) Vasiliy Feoktistov

In fact: according to some sources is now canceled aberration and form types and offers to do without them. In my opinion, in spite of this they must be all the same point. How do you feel about that? And it is interesting actually, something to ...

18.05.2016 11:34 Yuri Semejkin

.- Vasiliy Feoktistov, 09/06/2014 22:20 How do you feel about that? ...... I for the fact that if all ukazyvat.gde tselesoobrazno.Dazhe formally ...

Search the catalog for the given parameters (39) Irina Nikulina

Peter, I have a question / comment for the directory search. Defining butterflies captured in Primorye, I tried to find the inf., Setting the search parameters 2 - family and region №40 (Primorye). So, "catch" the next (do not know whether it ...

01.02.2016 12:45 Peter Khramov

Alexander, this field work, but only with autosubstitution. Those. enough to drive a name, you must still wait avtopodstanovok and select one. This ...

Adding links to new sources in the "References" section (6) Vasiliy Feoktistov

Please pay attention to anyone who adds to the sources from time to time. Important !!! It is necessary to add a link to on the site itself . And not on the species, genus, or other taxon information contained on this source. Because of the ...

18.04.2015 20:11 Vasiliy Feoktistov

The information about the add, I think it is not necessary. Pinpoint problem correctly adding sources and really need not to duplicate the same ...

On the use of pairs of dogs@@@@to highlight the name of the species (11) Peter Khramov

So if you use in a comment such construction @@species name@@ then you give a link on the very species description page on the website (in case the species is catalogued), in this case it will properly linked as @@Danaus plexippus@@, or if there's ...

16.04.2015 12:50 Peter Khramov

Dogs are rarely required, but it can sometimes be useful, so why not. It will be time to make a dog. And about the fact that the author of this ...

About comments translations into English (9) Peter Khramov

Now, after a significant transfer of comments are again beginning to be translated into English. Question: Does anyone have a desire to register with his comments immediately, and the English version? Thus, you can fully convey the author's wording ...

20.11.2014 19:24 Peter Khramov

What re zapihivanie in LC? Written by the same right now, there is no normal version with display of information on Inglish for Russian ph. I have ...

Errors in the illustration to the taxa (15) Dmitry Borisyuk

I decided to create a theme, so as not to clutter up the page views. It was found that: 1. The subgenus Bessonia genus Morpho (http://lepidoptera.ru/taxonomy/32322) illustrated poplar revelers. 2. Rod Arhopala ...

24.01.2014 3:18 Alexandr Zhakov

Alexander indicating incorrect determination on the page a particular photo, then much easier to correct the error. :)

Separation of zoogeo obalsti to formalize signs (3) Peter Khramov

The question arose. And if we have adequate separation of the region is on the site or you may want to update it until naformalizovali wasted on outdated scheme. So now we have a choice from a list: Palaearctic, Nearctic, Neotropical, Ethiopian, ...

21.01.2014 18:08 Vasiliy Feoktistov

Here at all seven (Antarctica can be excluded: insects are not compatible with it in general): ...

Collection of data, where some species are protected (Red Book, etc.) (5) Peter Khramov

I want to add a section in the description of the species in Lepidoptera.ru - whether the view lists of protected and, if enabled, then what. Accordingly, it will be possible to watch this info on the description page, as well as selected species on ...

15.01.2014 20:07 Shamil Murtazin

Yes, sites of red books and electronic versions from different sources ... Interested in more adequate and the inclusion of species in the book. ...

Request for functionality in the "Edit old" (3) Shamil Murtazin

The request line from the pages of duplicate photos and bottom .. (that: Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6) Scroll through to the end, you do not find the photo - Returns to the top perelistnut ...

13.01.2014 8:11 Shamil Murtazin

thanks a lot :) signed photo collection ....

Proposals for moderating photos. (11) Shamil Murtazin

Watching another opportunity to improve "working conditions" moderators. It is - to add functionality: define a single photo of the group - the whole group gets the same attributes. This will reduce the number of clicks for the "change", as well ...

03.01.2014 7:59 Vasiliy Feoktistov

I want to make an offer to the poster that you should write the exact species names when uploading photos to the site. For example: Hypomecis ...

The logic of "Photography from the same individual" (9) Shamil Murtazin

The issue of such a plan. When you select a photo, and it is in the group of "one individual" right in the panels have the appropriate group of photos. However, in the "Other photos of this species' present the same picture.If a species is ...

04.12.2013 22:55 Peter Khramov

Now it should work correctly. If you find more errors in a program - reported.

Functional cataloging and download. (2) Shamil Murtazin

This post dashed, and he took and lost ... badly upset. Try again. The preamble was initially. That evening a lot of interesting thoughts. Blah blah blah ... Mozgoshturm, always do. Maybe useful. The proposal is one The site is mainly engaged ...

17.11.2013 22:52 Peter Khramov

Mozgoshturm - is always good. More to storms: -) "The site is mainly engaged in the loading and cataloging photos." Let's hope this is a temporary ...

Plans to site updates (1) Peter Khramov

Of the major software updates online program is expected to maintain collections of butterflies, sharing, etc. prostanovka plus points on Google Maps. The rest of the updates will address content - will be dealt with the old text data on the new ...

14.11.2013 13:09 Peter Khramov

Of the major software updates online program is expected to maintain collections of butterflies, sharing, etc. prostanovka plus points on Google ...

Buggy sample from the gallery (2) Dmitry Borisyuk

Seen this bug. I open the page of any kind, such as Polyommatus icarus . I pressed down under the picture "All the pictures of this type in a large amount on the same page." So far, everything is normal, displayed photos of Icarus, and the top of ...

30.10.2013 11:20 Peter Khramov

Yes, there is such a thing. Thanks for the tip, in the next couple of days I will try to improve.

Question about the Catalogue (5) Viktor Kolesnikov

Please why some pics aren't seen in the Catalogue as well as on other pages? About each 20th pic is seen as an empty frame though when I point at it I can see the info the image exists.

23.01.2013 11:07 Viktor Kolesnikov

Thanks! Will try another browser.

Chilasa (2) Alex Dumchus

Petr, why can't I see all the Chilas photos when choosing Papilio in Taxonomy? Though can find them all using the search right in the up.

22.09.2012 21:09 Peter Khramov

Alexandr, would you please specify it? Like the very species name that you don't see in Taxonomy but the search?..

Question on the catalogue (4) Maria Pozdnova

Guys, would you please tell how to search caterpillars by family only?

14.08.2012 0:58 Maria Pozdnova

Thanks, quite a solution. Works perfect.

Paging of this section (3) Vitaly Gumenuk

Would be better to have all page numbers also at the bottom of a webpage, cause one should all the time scroll it up to change a page.

08.06.2011 14:30 Peter Khramov

Gah, missed that. Just done.

It is impossible to drive a subspecies (4) Dmitriy Pozhogin

It is impossible to drive a sub-species - I can not go to the page of the form to continue. Plus with Pieris naganum nakosyachil, and I can not fix

01.05.2011 18:20 Peter Khramov

The question was solved then complete the insertion of references to literature, and again everything is editable.

load section (2) Vitaly Gumenuk

Maybe we should set about Posts butterflies clean (and then have 32 pages - what will happen next) Suppose there are only those with whom we have to work

26.03.2011 19:58 Peter Khramov

Messages need it. And since They are sorted by date, those that feel stale, you can simply browse ...

fix it! (2) Dmitriy Pozhogin

In the classification, the genus is Eurytides prevyuha kind Prothesilaus. It is necessary to remove and insert real Eurytides 'a

11.03.2011 17:01 Peter Khramov

Fixed. Dmitry, recall that the headers are capitalized and voklitsatelnye signs in the amount of more than one piece of the web means a wild op.

Gluck !!! (2) Dmitriy Pozhogin

When entering through the section "" classification "not see species and genera Protographium Hypermnestra, although they are located by searching and work

08.03.2011 16:54 Peter Khramov

Yes, it is possible glitch was when, for example, add a new sub-species to the inactive mind view is activated, and his family - not. Now I ...

List of authors (5) Boris Loboda

Imho list of sponsors will look nicer sign, the division columns name / surname. And then in order by last name, and start with the name, with speakers will be easier to accept.

04.03.2011 22:02 Peter Khramov

Her. Essno infa stored in the database and pull it beneath anything is possible, including and under the table. I say do not fit the data table view ...

Tormozizm ... (4) Boris Loboda

Link "community " I opened for a long time (about half a minute) ... Who what? Maybe it is worth thinking about the optimization, the key base can not have enough information yet ... It seems very little, but what will happen next ... Peter, if ...

25.02.2011 18:14 Peter Khramov

Ok, thank you, will ask if there are difficulties.

No page with Nymphula nitidulata (4) Nikolai Vladimirov

Although the type of search is sought.

13.02.2011 21:05 Peter Khramov

Nicholas, I think it does not finding sought and substitution while downloading photos. For this substitution types in the database itself is quite ...

About the 20th of January! (6) Evgeny Komarov

I understand that as messages and photos uploaded to the 20th day, in the evening, gone? Or how?

22.01.2011 14:12 Peter Khramov

Procedure for otpishu here that now everything is OK, and hoster corrected. Although the corresponding news was published on the website before.

On the question of the place of controversial and discuss various other issues (9) Evgeny Komarov

Colleagues We are with you in the comments to the descriptions engaged offtopic! Let's somehow structured forum. That is hot to: discussion of division of the tribe Troidini (Sem. Papilionidae) have smeared in the comments of several kinds.This is ...

21.01.2011 23:22 Peter Khramov

Eugene, in the near future - a section with commentary relating to a particular user (so as not to miss the theme, which is his messages, photos, ...

Poll (5) Alexandr Zhakov

Gone are the results of the vote, though I walk under your name.

17.01.2011 13:31 Peter Khramov

Now I try again in Opera - everything is OK. Perhaps you should configure the time you store cookies, or they do from time to time clean. I do not ...

Spam (2) Vasiliy Feoktistov

Here's a question arose. There-there any filter from all these "peels, billing " and other crap. Maybe leave the community for authors (ie zaregatsya necessary to write here) and separate guest? And remove my opinion it will be easier.

13.01.2011 0:15 Peter Khramov

The filter is, simply need to update it regularly for new templates. If it were not, the spam would valilsya mountain ... With regards to the authors ...

Bugs Online (3) Vasiliy Feoktistov

Sing Trouble campaign: I click on the title page of the latest updates and can not find (Opera 11.00). He writes: "hecta: the above form is not in the directory site ". Fixed.

20.12.2010 16:54 Vasiliy Feoktistov

Looks: fixed.

Spam (4) Vasiliy Feoktistov

Thank you Peter for something that removes spam from the guest.

16.07.2009 1:47 Peter Khramov

Basil, spammers - it does not friends; -) for the robot is now put a simple protection. Nerobotov need to ban.

I propose to improve the design of the site (2) Bahurin Serge

I suggest to improve the design of the site. Ready to help in the free (to draw the necessary elements to choose the color scheme)

04.05.2009 13:25 Peter Khramov

Sergei briefly replied to the forum tomorrow you accomplish your goal even more.

Pages: 1

Insecta.pro: Illustrated insecta catalogue. Terms of use and publishing policy.

Project editor and administrator: Peter Khramov.

I express my gratitude to moderators, photographers and involved users for their contribution to the website progress.

© Insecta.pro, 2007—2025.

Species catalog enables to sort by characteristics such as expansion, flight time, etc..

Photos of representatives Insecta.

Detailed insects classification with references list.

Enotomologists search system and a living blog.