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Photo #2471: Plebejus optilete


Plebejus optilete

Base gallery. Lateral/Underside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Mario Maier. Image redone at the website

Photographer's comment: Vacciniina optilete — MM

Comments on this image

04.10.2014 19:31, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Well, I'll write with a capital letter, if it is the main theme of the site. Unless the name is not on the beginning of a sentence :) I think this option will suit all.
For Fedor Ovechkin: under the "Butterfly is not a thing" I mean once again the name of the species.As, however, and people too, not a thing, and From Biological species of animal and should also be written with a capital letter: Homo sapiens (Homo sapiens) :) Enough of this. The site is full of more important and relevant cases than that. In general, it is unclear as to entomological site in the "Picture comments" can hang more than a day is the verbiage in the first place.Specifically, with the 02.10.2014 21:30 for 04.10.2014 15:55 : to the point where here: http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/33760 I was asked the issue on the merits. Here, first of all must be other comment. About determining the types of the photos, for example, and on their transfer at the place of moderators, etc., etc. :)

03.10.2014 18:51, Peter Khramov

With TZ Russian language - torfyanikovaya. With TZ Russian names registration on the site - as you like.

03.10.2014 18:27, Vladimir Bryukhov

Re: Those who have questions about the spelling of Russian names of species - reported.
Yeah, then another question: torfyannikovaya or torfyanikovaya yet? )

03.10.2014 11:25, Peter Khramov

I'm starting to kick for the spelling right in the comments, because patience ran out to kick away from them.
If it suddenly obvious that the name given does not mean, as individuals. That is if you have a favorite butterfly (living at home), and her name is Thecla, then yes, then with a capital letter. Another analogy: Basil - the name, and the person - not the name.The table you link the name with a capital letter, because This beginning of the sentence, not because it is the name of the butterfly.
Kapslok does not confirm the correct spelling with a capital letter, and the content of Red Books scolded just lazy.
As an example of the need to look, for example, on decent zoology textbooks for schools. At the same Dogiel.So:
That's right - perlamutrovka torfyannikovaya, perelivnitsa Schrenk and Elena ornithopter.
But it is wrong - Perlamutrovka torfyannikovaya, Perelivnitsa Schrenk and Elena ornithopter.
Those who have questions about the spelling of Russian names of species - reported.If at first oboratites uchebnkam to the Russian language and zoology - will be quite good.

03.10.2014 9:51, Fedor Ovechkin

Based on your logical construction, Basil, the word "Butterfly" should be written with a capital letter, because "Butterfly - is not a thing" ... By the way, why is not the thing, if, for example, in the collection? And why write about it in the comments to the photos?

03.10.2014 2:00, Vasiliy Feoktistov

It was always a big one. As used herein: http://lepidoptera.ru/taxonomy/8466 and other species that do not I have it pointed out.
I add. The name, in this case, has a name, and the name should be written with a capital letter and no matter in what language. Butterfly is not a thing :) Not far to seek, but rather to link to the spacecraft, which is just below. There's even the name of the Russian Capps says

02.10.2014 22:36, Peter Khramov

C small letters Russian name ...

02.10.2014 21:30, Vasiliy Feoktistov

This is the so-called torfyannikovuyu on Russian copper-butterfly with great pleasure put in males. Painfully rare and svoebrazny this form inhabitant purely peat, horse, bogs :) In Meshchora (as elsewhere) is rare and local.
KK Moscow Region: "2nd category. Kind, a decreasing". : http://kkmo2.verhovye.ru/rb/bspozvon/plebeius_optilete.php

02.10.2014 21:26, Vasiliy Feoktistov Corrected data.

Imago Male.

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