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Photo #79069: Cyaniris semiargus


Cyaniris semiargus

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Base gallery. Upperside. Pinned specimen.

Photo, and identified by: Nikolay Grebennikov. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2020-06-20 00:00:00, Оренбургская область,Октябрьский район,с.Буланово, урочище Березовая гора,увлажненный луг.

Photographer's comment: размах крыльев 25 мм.

Comments on this image

28.11.2023 22:51, Peter Khramov

And you don't need to search it in the paper catalog. Here are Lycaenidae from 17th Russian Region :--) https://insecta.pro/catalog?tx=%5B92%5D+Lycaenidae++%5B%D0%A1%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%B9%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%BE%5D&rgs%5B%5D=17

28.11.2023 22:46, Peter Khramov

To explain the moving: Stanislav Korb commented on the page with a photo of the underside of the same specimen: https://insecta.pro/gallery/79070

09.11.2020 14:28, Alexandr Zhakov Corrected data.

Tentatively identified Confidently identified.

03.08.2020 9:15, Alexandr Zhakov

It is unlikely that Korb would have provided his opinion. :(, If there is something else, we will fix it.

03.08.2020 9:10, Alexandr Zhakov Corrected data.

Lycaenidae / Confidently identified / Imago Cyaniris semiargus / Tentatively identified / Female.

01.08.2020 11:12, Nikolay Grebennikov

Actually, we can wait. I also wrote to the S. Korb. Maybe he will answer.

31.07.2020 18:50, Nikolay Grebennikov

Ok. Then move her to semiagruses).

31.07.2020 15:15, Alexandr Zhakov

Yes, the female semiargus is very similar. It's like this: I haven't been using any paper literature for a long time, more websites are more usable for me. :)

31.07.2020 14:24, Nikolay Grebennikov

According to our 17 Russian region, semiargus is Ok I was informed. But I would also like to look at Northern Kazakhstan and North-Western Kazakhstan. What kind of literature would you recommend?

31.07.2020 9:10, Alexandr Zhakov

I compared here: https://www.butterfies-design.com/kopiya-cupido-decoloratus-2, obviously they are different species, and what kind of species I can't even guess, I'm not an expert on Lycaenidae.
Take 17 region, and look at all similar Lycaenidae, maybe it will pop out.

21.07.2020 20:23, Nikolay Grebennikov

And what does it look more like?

20.07.2020 13:16, Alexandr Zhakov

In my opinion, this is not Aricia persephatta.

08.07.2020 21:16, Nikolay Grebennikov

Aricia persephatta (Alphéraky, 1881)? Moreover, Kazakhstan is nearby here.

29.06.2020 20:09, Nikolay Grebennikov

Is there any algorithm for identification species at such photos? Or is it unrealistic?

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