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Род Pinodytes

Insecta подкласс Pterygota инфракласс Neoptera надотряд Holometabola отряд Coleoptera подотряд Polyphaga инфраотряд Staphyliniformia надсемейство Staphylinoidea семейство Leiodidae подсемейство Catopocerinae триба Catopocerini → род Pinodytes Horn, 1880


Дочерние таксоны

Pinodytes angulatus Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes borealis Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes capizzii Hatch, 1957 [вид]

Pinodytes chandleri Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes colorado Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes constrictus Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes contortus Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes cryptophagoides Mannerheim, 1852 [вид]

Pinodytes delnorte Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes eldorado Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes fresno Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes garibaldi Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes gibbosus Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes haidagwaii Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes humboldtensis Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes idaho Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes imbricatus Hatch, 1957 [вид]

Pinodytes isabella Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes klamathensis Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes losangeles Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes marinensis Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes minutus Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes monterey Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes newelli Hatch, 1957 [вид]

Pinodytes newtoni Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes orca Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes ovatus Hatch, 1957 [вид]

Pinodytes parvus Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes punctatus Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes pusio Horn, 1892 [вид]

Pinodytes rothi Hatch, 1957 [вид]

Pinodytes sanjacinto Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes sequoia Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes setosus Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes shasta Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes shoshone Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes sinuatus Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes spinus Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes subterraneus Hatch, 1935 [вид]

Pinodytes tehama Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]

Pinodytes tibialis Hatch, 1957 [вид]

Pinodytes tuolumne Peck and Cook, 2011 [вид]


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Редактор и администратор проекта: Петр Храмов.

Кураторы: Константин Ефетов, Александр Жаков, Святослав Князев, Евгений Комаров, Станислав Корб, Василий Феоктистов.

Модераторы: Александр Жаков, Евгений Комаров, Дмитрий Пожогин, Василий Феоктистов.

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