Papilio maackii Menetries, 1859

class Insecta → subclass Pterygota → infraclass Neoptera → superorder Holometabola → order Lepidoptera → superfamily Papilionoidea → family Papilionidae → subfamily Papilioninae → tribe Papilionini → genus Papilio → subgenus Achillides → species Papilio maackii
Species name(s)
Papilio (Achillides) maackii Menetries, 1859 = Papilio raddei = Achillides maackii = Papilio maacki Pryer, 1882 = Papilio bianor maacki = Princeps maackii = Papilio (Achillides) maacki = Papilio raddei Bremer, 1861 = Papilio maackii kitawakii Shimogori & Fujioka, 1997 = Papilio maackii albosyfanius Shimogori & Fujioka, 1997 = Papilio maackii shimogorii Fujioka, 1997 = Achillides maackii han Yoshino, 1997. [3, 9, 85, 187, PC]
Alpine Black Swallowtail.
This species marks on the maps: 7.
Zoogeographical regions
Palaearctic, Indo-Malayan.
Russia regions
#28. Zabaikalsky; #36. Sredne-Amursky; #37. Nizhne-Amursky; #38. Sakhalin; #39. Yuzhno-Kurilsky; #40. Primorsky.
Primary colors
Green, Brown/Gray/Black.
Flight time
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |
Over-wintering stage

Detailed information with references
Taxonomy, synonyms and combinations
- Papilio raddei; Achillides maacki. [PC81].
- Achillides maackii. [3].
- Regions of the Russian Federation: the Trans-Baikal, the Lower Amur, Primorye, Sakhalin, Mid-Amur, South Kuril. [3].
- Outside the Russian Federation: the North-East China, Korea, Japan
It lives in habitats from mountain coniferous-deciduous forests to shrubby woodland, mostly in deciduous forests. [2].
General info about Imago
- On colder days, they usually stay in the trees. In the spring of actively feeding on the flowers of apple trees, pears, cherries, flowers marked on hohlatok. In the summer on the rose bushes -chasche (especially Sorbaria sorbifolia), willingly visit the flowers kind of Lilium. The males often form large clusters of dozens of individuals on wet road sections along the banks of rivers and streams. [2].
Imago lifespan
- Two generations - spring and summer. Moths of summer generation is 1.5 times larger than the spring and a darker color.
Moth flight spring generation - the end of April - early. June, the second - from mid-July) until mid-September. [95].
General info about Larva
- Caterpillars of the first age of dark gray, with hairs on the warts and transported across the body. Tracks 2 and 3 ages without hairy warts, gray-green with light spots of different size and the same color head. Tracks 4 and 5 ages green.Top 3 thoracic segments are bordered by a yellow stripe on the inside of which there are two reddish buds on the second segment. The adult caterpillar looks like bianor, characterized by a convex vystopu 9 segment. Caterpillars are kept at the top of the sheet, eating it with the edge to the main vein. Pupate, gird on the stem or twig KR [2].
Larva food plants / other food objects
- Plants of the family Rutaceae (Rutaceae): Phellodendron amurense Rupr. (Amur velvet), Phellodendron sachalinense (F. Schmidt) Sarg (Sakhalin Velvet)
In the west, the area where there is no Amur velvet and mountain tayge- Dictamnus dasycarpus Turcz. (Jasieniec mohnatoplodny) (also the family Rutaceae) [2].
- The pupa is green or brown, the ventral and dorsal border surfaces is not so sharp as in bianor. [2].
- The eggs are pale green, pozzhe- yellowish-white, often one at the bottom of the young leaf KR [2].
Overwintering stage
- Dolly second generation [2].
Subspecies of Papilio maackii
- Papilio maacki han Yoshino, 1997. [85]
- P. m. han (Yoshino, 1997). [9]
- P. m. jezoensis Matsumura, 1927. [9]
- P. m. maacki Menetries, 1859. [85]
- P. m. maackii. [9]
- P. m. tutanus Fenton, [1882]. [85]
- P. m. tutanus Fenton, [1882]. [9]
Initial species uploading to the site: Peter Khramov.
Vladimir Mescheryakov, Yuri Semejkin. Text data: Peter Khramov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Irina Nikulina.
The species characteristics formalization: Peter Khramov, Sergei Kotov.
- [2] Коршунов Ю. П. Булавоусые чешуекрылые Северной Азии. М.: КМК, 2002
- [3] Каталог чешуекрылых (Lepidoptera) России. Под ред. С. Ю. Синёва. СПб.; М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2008
- [9] Tree of Life (, 2012
- [85] Lepidoptera species catalogue,, 2015
- [95] Животный мир уссурийской тайги. Полевой атлас-определитель животных юга Дальнего Востока России. Владивосток: ИПК «Дальпресс», 2004
- [187] Species 2000,
- [PC81] Dmitriy Pozhogin
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