This taxon marks on the maps Bactrini: 1
Genera: 1 (1 illustrated). Subgenera: 4 (1 illustrated). Species.
Bactra (Stephens, 1834) [genus]
Bactra, Chiloides, Nannobactra, Spinobactra,
Bactra adelographa, Bactra adoceta, Bactra albipuncta, Bactra alexandri, Bactra ametra, Bactra amseli, Bactra angulata, Bactra anthracosma, Bactra atopa, Bactra boesemani, Bactra calamoplecta, Bactra chariessa, Bactra clarkei, Bactra commensalis, Bactra contraria, Bactra cultellana, Bactra diakonoffi, Bactra distinctana, Bactra egenana, Bactra erema, Bactra eurysticha, Bactra fuscidorsana, Bactra helophaea, Bactra kostermansi, Bactra limitata, Bactra longinqua, Bactra lonina, Bactra meridiana, Bactra misoolensis, Bactra neuricana, Bactra noteraula, Bactra oceani, Bactra ochrographa, Bactra orbicula, Bactra sideritis, Bactra solivaga, Bactra stramenticia, Bactra transvola, Bactra vaga
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