Apatura ilia (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)

class Insecta → subclass Pterygota → infraclass Neoptera → superorder Holometabola → order Lepidoptera → superfamily Papilionoidea → family Nymphalidae → subfamily Apaturinae → tribe Apaturini → genus Apatura → species Apatura ilia
Species name(s)
Apatura ilia (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775) = Papilio ilia [Schiffermüller], 1775 = julia (Schranck, 1801) = laura (Viellot, 1821) = Papilio clythia Schneider, 1785 = Papilio junoniae Prunner, 1798 = Maniola julia Schrank, 1801 = Papilio minor Esper, 1777/79 = Papilio roeselii Bergstrasser, 1779 = Tachyptera tremulae Herold, 1844 = Apatura vittelinae Fabricius 1897 = Iridis vulgaris Bergsträsser, 1771. [9, 10, 187]
Lesser Purple Emperor.
This species marks on the maps: 4.
Zoogeographical regions
Russia regions
#1. Kaliningradsky; #4. Evropeisky Severo-Zapadny; #7. Evropeisky yuzhno-tayozhny; #8. Evropeisky Tsentralny; #9. Evropeisky Tsentralno-Chernozyomny; #10. Sredne-Volzhsky; #11. Volgo-Donsky; #12. Nizhnevolzhsky; #13. Zapadno-Kavkazsky; #16. Sredne-Uralsky; #17. Yuzhno-Uralsky; #20. Yuzhno-Zapadnosibirsky; #21. Severo-Yeniseisky; #22. Krasnoyarsky; #27. Pribaikalsky; #28. Zabaikalsky; #31. Yuzhno-Yakutsky; #35. Sredne-Okhotsky; #36. Sredne-Amursky; #37. Nizhne-Amursky; #38. Sakhalin; #39. Yuzhno-Kurilsky; #40. Primorsky.
Forewing length
32—35 mm.
55—70 mm.
Primary colors
Orange, Blue, Brown/Gray/Black, White, Irisated.
Flight time
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |
Larva lifespan
January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December |
Over-wintering stage

Detailed information with references
- Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Spain, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia and the Soviet Union - the European part of France, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, Estonia, Yugoslavia. [1].
- Albania, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary, Germany, Greece (mainland), Spain (mainland), Italy (mainland), Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal (mainland), Russia, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Ukraine, Finland,France (mainland), Croatia, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Estonia, Yugoslavia. [10].
- Regions of the Russian Federation: the Volga-Don, the European North-West, the European Central Black Earth, the European Central European South taiga, Transbaikalia, Western Caucasus, Kaliningrad, Krasnoyarsk, Nizhny-Amur, Lower Volga, Pribaikalskiy, Primorye, Sakhalin, the North-Yenisei , Mid-Amur, Mid-Volzhsky,Average Okhotsk, Mid-Ural, South West Siberian Yuzhno-Kuril, South Ural, South Yakutia. [3].
- Range: France, Central Europe, in the east-through Asia Minor to Japan, in the south - to Central Italy and Northern Greece. It is absent in Scandinavia and England, as well as on some islands of the Mediterranean Sea. Avoids mountains. [85].
Imago Habitus and Differences from alike species
- Wingspan: 55-70 mm. From related speciesApatura iris, perelivnitsa poplar has the following external features:
Grasp the rear wings slightly curved, with no angular projection. The underside of the rear wings are brownish with a violet hue, purple sash dirty. [148].
- Despite the name, the differences from the large perelivnitsa are not in size: the length of the front wing of the species in question is from 3.2 to 3.5 cm. Yes, the species is similar to Apatura iris, but differs from it by an eye on each of the front wings and the absence of a tooth-shaped protrusion on the white band of the rear wings. In addition, the underside of the wings is not gray-brown, but closer to purple-brown. Females of poplar iridescence are larger than males and do not have the iridescent color characteristic of males. In the red form (f. clytie Schiff.), which is also called the red iris, the white eyes in the corners of the forewings are replaced by reddish-yellow ones, in some places this form is more numerous than the nominative one. [85].
General info about Imago
- Typical habitats: forest edges, clearings and clearings, rare-coniferous floodplain forests with willow, poplar or aspen trees, banks of ponds and other bodies of water with similar vegetation. [85].
Imago lifespan
- Summer time is from July to early August. In Southern Europe, it can produce two generations (May—June and August—September), while in Central Europe, it can produce only one (May — June) (Moukha, 1979). In the European part of Russia — from June to July, in case of a hot summer, the second generation can be produced in September. [85].
General info about Larva
Larva food plants / other food objects
- Populus tremulae, Populus nigra, Populus alba, Salix alba. [28].
- Гусеницы тополевой переливницы кормятся на осине, тополе и иве. [85].
Larva lifespan
- The caterpillars live from August to June or from May to June. [85].
- The pupa develops from two to three weeks, in June. The pupa is whitish-green. [85].
Overwintering stage
- The caterpillar overwinters, usually on the branches of a forage plant. [85].
Subspecies of Apatura ilia
- Apatura ilia alceste Cabeau, 1913. [187]
- A. i. alcithoe Cabeau, 1919. [187]
- A. i. asiatica Le Moult, 1947. [187]
- A. i. asta Schultz, 1904. [187]
- A. i. astasioides Staudinger, 1871. [187]
- A. i. asturiensis Le Moult, 1947. [187]
- A. i. barcina Verity, 1927. [187]
- A. i. bernardii Le Moult, 1947. [187]
- A. i. blankensteini Niepelt, 1923. [187]
- A. i. budensis Fuchs, 1899. [187]
- A. i. bunea Herrich-Schäffer, 1844/45. [187]
- A. i. carueli Le Moult, 1947. [187]
- A. i. circumpunctata Cabeau, 1910. [187]
- A. i. clara Verity, 1950. [187]
- A. i. clytie Schiffermüller & Denis, 1775. [187]
- A. i. clytiella Cabeau, 1910. [187]
- A. i. danae Cabeau, 1919. [187]
- A. i. deficiens Cabeau, 1929. [187]
- A. i. delcouri Cabeau, 1923. [187]
- A. i. dilutior Staudinger, 1894. [187]
- A. i. distincta Schultz, 1904. [187]
- A. i. eos Rossi, 1794. [187]
- A. i. extensa Le Moult, 1947. [9]
- A. i. fulvobscura Verity, 1950. [187]
- A. i. fulvoclara Verity, 1950. [187]
- A. i. geminifasciata Cabeau, 1922. [187]
- A. i. gracilis Bang-Haas, 1936. [187]
- A. i. heijona Matsumura, 1927/28. [187]
- A. i. hemisilvia Cabeau, 1912. [187]
- A. i. herastituta O. Bang-Haas, 1936. [9]
- A. i. here C. & R. Felder, 1862. [9]
- A. i. hereoides O. Bang-Haas, 1933. [9]
- A. i. huapingensis Yoshino, 1998. [9]
- A. i. ilia. [9]
- A. i. iliades Mitis, 1899. [187]
- A. i. iliella Cabeau, 1910. [187]
- A. i. iliona Schultz, 1904. [187]
- A. i. inspersa Schultz, 1904. [187]
- A. i. interfracta Cabeau, 1930. [187]
- A. i. intermedia Le Moult, 1947. [187]
- A. i. irradiata Cabeau, 1910. [187]
- A. i. juno Le Moult, 1947. [187]
- A. i. koreilia Bryk, 1946. [187]
- A. i. lambillioni Cabeau, 1919. [187]
- A. i. laura Oberthür, 1909. [187]
- A. i. lavernoides Le Moult, 1947. [187]
- A. i. lusitanica Da Silva Cruz & Gonçalves, 1943. [187]
- A. i. luteissima Verity, 1919. [187]
- A. i. magnifica Schultz, 1904. [187]
- A. i. melanthes Cabeau, 1919. [187]
- A. i. metis Frey, 1829. [187]
- A. i. minerva Le Moult, 1947. [187]
- A. i. moffartsi Cabeau, 1921. [187]
- A. i. monardi Le Moult, 1947. [187]
- A. i. mouretae Derenne, 1934. [187]
- A. i. nikosia Fruhstorfer, 1913. [187]
- A. i. oberthuri Le Moult, 1947. [187]
- A. i. obnubila Cabeau, 1910. [187]
- A. i. obscura Verity, 1950. [187]
- A. i. orientalis Le Moult, 1947. [187]
- A. i. padana Turati, 1914. [187]
- A. i. pallescens Schultz, 1904. [187]
- A. i. periommata Cabeau, 1919. [187]
- A. i. perlinghia Fiori, 1931. [187]
- A. i. phaedra Leech, 1892. [9]
- A. i. phryne Dahlström, 1900. [187]
- A. i. praeclara Bollow, 1930. [9]
- A. i. pseudohere Le Moult, 1947. [187]
- A. i. punctostipata Cabeau, 1910. [187]
- A. i. pusilla O. Bang-Haas, 1936. [9]
- A. i. radiolata Cabeau, 1910. [187]
- A. i. ragonoti Poujade, 1896. [187]
- A. i. rotellata Cabeau, 1910. [187]
- A. i. russica Le Moult, 1947. [187]
- A. i. semialba Cabeau, 1913. [187]
- A. i. serarum Oberthür. [9]
- A. i. sheljuzkoi Turati, 1914. [187]
- A. i. silvia Cabeau, 1910. [187]
- A. i. silviella Cabeau, 1910. [187]
- A. i. sobrina Stichel. [9]
- A. i. subalbata Cabeau, 1913. [187]
- A. i. subiliades Cabeau, 1929. [187]
- A. i. subsobrina Mell, 1952. [9]
- A. i. szechwanensis Le Moult, 1947. [9]
- A. i. theia Dannehl, 1925. [187]
- A. i. transtaeniata Cabeau, 1910. [187]
- A. i. transveleta Cabeau, 1910. [187]
- A. i. trochoides Cabeau, 1910. [187]
- A. i. yunnana Mell, 1952. [9]
- A. i. yunnanensis Le Moult, 1947. [187]
Initial species uploading to the site: Peter Khramov.
Igor Sakhno, Andrey Sazykin. Text data: Peter Khramov, Vasiliy Feoktistov.
The species characteristics formalization: Peter Khramov, Sergei Kotov, Vasiliy Feoktistov.
- [1] O. Karsholt, J. Razowski (eds.), 1996. The Lepidoptera of Europe: a distributional checklist
- [3] Каталог чешуекрылых (Lepidoptera) России. Под ред. С. Ю. Синёва. СПб.; М.: Товарищество научных изданий КМК, 2008
- [9] Tree of Life (funet.fi), 2012
- [10] de Jong, Y.S.D.M. (ed.) (2011) Fauna Europaea version 2.4 (faunaeur.org)
- [28] Moths and Butterflies of Europe and North Africa (leps.it), 2012
- [85] Lepidoptera species catalogue, Lepidoptera.ru, 2015
- [148] Б.М. Мамаев, Л.Н. Медведев, Ф.Н. Правдин. Определитель насекомых европейской части СССР . Москва, " Просвещение" 1976
- [187] Species 2000, http://www.sp2000.org
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