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Genus Cheilotrichia

Insecta subclass Pterygota infraclass Neoptera superorder Holometabola order Diptera suborder Nematocera infraorder Tipulomorpha superfamily Tipuloidea family Tipulidae subfamily Limoniinae tribe Eriopterini → genus Cheilotrichia



Daughter taxa

Cheilotrichia Rossi, 1848 [subgenus]

Cheilotrichia abitaguai Alexander, 1941 [species]

Cheilotrichia accomoda Alexander, 1951 [species]

Cheilotrichia aemula Savchenko, 1974 [species]

Cheilotrichia affinis Lackschewitz, 1927 [species]

Cheilotrichia akalavikensis Alexander, 1966 [species]

Cheilotrichia albidibasis Alexander, 1936 [species]

Cheilotrichia alicia Alexander, 1914 [species]

Cheilotrichia alpina Strobl, 1895 [species]

Cheilotrichia alticola Alexander, 1925 [species]

Cheilotrichia angustistigma Alexander, 1930 [species]

Cheilotrichia apemon Alexander, 1970 [species]

Cheilotrichia appressa Alexander, 1970 [species]

Cheilotrichia aroo Theischinger, 1994 [species]

Cheilotrichia austronymphica Alexander, 1943 [species]

Cheilotrichia baluchistanica Alexander, 1944 [species]

Cheilotrichia basalis Alexander, 1921 [species]

Cheilotrichia boliviana Alexander, 1930 [species]

Cheilotrichia bonaespei Alexander, 1917 [species]

Cheilotrichia brachyclada Alexander, 1940 [species]

Cheilotrichia brevifida Alexander, 1970 [species]

Cheilotrichia brevior Brunetti, 1912 [species]

Cheilotrichia brincki Alexander, 1964 [species]

Cheilotrichia brumalis Alexander, 1947 [species]

Cheilotrichia caledonica Hynes, 1993 [species]

Cheilotrichia cheloma Alexander, 1970 [species]

Cheilotrichia cinerascens Meigen, 1804 [species]

Cheilotrichia cinerea Strobl, 1898 [species]

Cheilotrichia cinereipleura Alexander, 1917 [species]

Cheilotrichia clarkeana Alexander, 1972 [species]

Cheilotrichia clausa Alexander, 1921 [species]

Cheilotrichia coangustata Alexander, 1944 [species]

Cheilotrichia complicata Alexander, 1922 [species]

Cheilotrichia crassicrus Edwards, 1928 [species]

Cheilotrichia crassistyla Alexander, 1973 [species]

Cheilotrichia curta Alexander, 1925 [species]

Cheilotrichia deludens Alexander, 1939 [species]

Cheilotrichia destituta Alexander, 1942 [species]

Cheilotrichia dimelania Alexander, 1964 [species]

Cheilotrichia divaricata Alexander, 1939 [species]

Cheilotrichia exilistyla Alexander, 1949 [species]

Cheilotrichia femoralis Edwards, 1919 [species]

Cheilotrichia fully Podenas and Geiger, 2001 [species]

Cheilotrichia fuscoapicalis Alexander, 1970 [species]

Cheilotrichia fuscocincta Alexander, 1940 [species]

Cheilotrichia fuscohalterata Strobl, 1906 [species]

Cheilotrichia fuscostigmata Alexander, 1970 [species]

Cheilotrichia gloriola Alexander, 1962 [species]

Cheilotrichia gloydae Alexander, 1950 [species]

Cheilotrichia gracilis de Meijere, 1911 [species]

Cheilotrichia guttipennis Alexander, 1961 [species]

Cheilotrichia hamiltoni Alexander, 1939 [species]

Cheilotrichia imbuta Meigen, 1818 [species]

Cheilotrichia instrenua Alexander, 1942 [species]

Cheilotrichia japonica Alexander, 1920 [species]

Cheilotrichia kolbei Westhoff, 1882 [species]

Cheilotrichia kuranda Theischinger, 1994 [species]

Cheilotrichia laetipennis Alexander, 1936 [species]

Cheilotrichia liliputina Alexander, 1930 [species]

Cheilotrichia longifurcata Alexander, 1940 [species]

Cheilotrichia longisquama Alexander, 1938 [species]

Cheilotrichia lunensis Alexander, 1931 [species]

Cheilotrichia luteivena Alexander, 1970 [species]

Cheilotrichia maneauensis Alexander, 1960 [species]

Cheilotrichia mayanymphica Alexander, 1946 [species]

Cheilotrichia melanostyla Alexander, 1970 [species]

Cheilotrichia meridiana Mendl, 1974 [species]

Cheilotrichia microdonta Alexander, 1957 [species]

Cheilotrichia microtrichiata Alexander, 1930 [species]

Cheilotrichia minima Strobl, 1898 [species]

Cheilotrichia minuscula Alexander, 1920 [species]

Cheilotrichia monosticta Alexander, 1927 [species]

Cheilotrichia monstrosa Bangerter, 1947 [species]

Cheilotrichia neglecta Lackschewitz, 1927 [species]

Cheilotrichia nemorensis Santos Abreu, 1923 [species]

Cheilotrichia nigristyla Alexander, 1970 [species]

Cheilotrichia nigroapicalis Alexander, 1920 [species]

Cheilotrichia nigrolineata Enderlein, 1912 [species]

Cheilotrichia nigrostylata Alexander, 1936 [species]

Cheilotrichia noctivagans Alexander, 1917 [species]

Cheilotrichia nymphica Alexander, 1928 [species]

Cheilotrichia ochricauda Alexander, 1925 [species]

Cheilotrichia oresitropha Alexander, 1927 [species]

Cheilotrichia palauensis Alexander, 1972 [species]

Cheilotrichia paratytthos Alexander, 1957 [species]

Cheilotrichia percupida Alexander, 1941 [species]

Cheilotrichia perflavens Alexander, 1948 [species]

Cheilotrichia perrata Alexander, 1932 [species]

Cheilotrichia perscitula Alexander, 1973 [species]

Cheilotrichia platymeson Alexander, 1968 [species]

Cheilotrichia poiensis Edwards, 1926 [species]

Cheilotrichia praelata Alexander, 1936 [species]

Cheilotrichia pubescens Alexander, 1913 [species]

Cheilotrichia rata Alexander, 1932 [species]

Cheilotrichia rectispina Alexander, 1955 [species]

Cheilotrichia schmidiana Alexander, 1964 [species]

Cheilotrichia scitula Alexander, 1927 [species]

Cheilotrichia simplicior Alexander, 1951 [species]

Cheilotrichia staryi Mendl, 1973 [species]

Cheilotrichia stigmatica Osten Sacken, 1869 [species]

Cheilotrichia stygia Alexander, 1927 [species]

Cheilotrichia subborealis Alexander, 1955 [species]

Cheilotrichia subnubila Alexander, 1940 [species]

Cheilotrichia suffumata Edwards, 1933 [species]

Cheilotrichia sulfureoclavata Alexander, 1930 [species]

Cheilotrichia sutrina Alexander, 1941 [species]

Cheilotrichia tanneri Alexander, 1970 [species]

Cheilotrichia tarsalis Edwards, 1928 [species]

Cheilotrichia telacantha Alexander, 1960 [species]

Cheilotrichia tenuifurca Podenas and Gelhaus, 2001 [species]

Cheilotrichia toklat Alexander, 1955 [species]

Cheilotrichia tridentata Alexander, 1925 [species]

Cheilotrichia tristimonia Alexander, 1943 [species]

Cheilotrichia tumidistyla Alexander, 1970 [species]

Cheilotrichia tytthos Alexander, 1957 [species]

Cheilotrichia umiat Alexander, 1955 [species]

Cheilotrichia unidentata Alexander [species]

Cheilotrichia vagans Savchenko, 1972 [species]

Cheilotrichia vaillanti Alexander, 1922 [species]

Cheilotrichia valai Starý, 1992 [species]

Cheilotrichia vasanta Alexander, 1964 [species]

Cheilotrichia zimmermani Alexander, 1971 [species]


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Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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