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Research Lucanus cervus

Сообщество и ФорумЭнтомологические коллекцииResearch Lucanus cervus

Damien, 10.05.2008 14:01


I research specimens (dried) of Lucanus cervus from all countries, all sizes, all subspecies (turcicus, tauricus, ...).
Please, if you have specimens to propose, I have coleoptera for exchange (carabus, cetonidae, ...) from France and Europe.

Please, make me propositions.

Regards, Damien


10.05.2008 21:29, Bad Den

Damien, may be you want to say "search" or "looking for", not "research"?
As far as I know, "research" mean something like "scientific study"...

11.05.2008 0:00, andros

  Damien, may be you want to say "search" or "looking for", not "research"?
As far as I know, "research" mean something like "scientific study"...

It is not principal,he would like to find its all.

11.05.2008 1:11, Damien


I (re)search specimens of L. cervus for different reasons. I have in my collection L. cervus from different countries (France, Spain, Italia, ...), different sizes (27-89 mm) ; I just want specimen for compative study with my specimens because I read a lot of articles and books about different subspecies (tauricus, turcicus, ...) but I haven't all these insects and I can't make my opinion about it...

I'm not a specialist of the lucanidae, but I'm very curious smile.gif

11.05.2008 1:13, Damien

Just one detail : I'm sorry but my english is (really !) not perfect... eek.gif

11.05.2008 10:52, guest: Alex

I find Lucanus cervus. and i sell for you 100$. alexandrsviridenko@yandex.ru

11.05.2008 11:43, Bad Den

Alex, it`s insane smile.gif
Поблагодарили: 1

11.05.2008 12:17, Александр Сафронов

  Alex, it`s insane smile.gif

It is exact, psychic patient! wink.gif

11.05.2008 13:58, Damien

tongue.gif it's really insane ! I don't want to buy this (common) species smile.gif

12.05.2008 18:55, RippeR

I have some specimen of Lucanus cervus and I can catch many more soon. All specimen are from Moldova and I think all of them are nominative. So if you really need many specimen of all sizes - I can catch for you later for exchange.
Better write here. Or in some case on riprulez(DOG)mail.ru

12.05.2008 20:06, Damien

Hello Mr. RippeR,

I'm interested in your proposition, from Moldova, 10/12 males of different sizes could be suffisant for me. Are you interested in french (and european) carabidae, cetonidae, ... ?

If you want, you can write at : damien.maguerre@yahoo.fr

Regards, Damien

13.05.2008 18:00, RippeR

Yes, I am interested in european carabidae and cetoniidae, also Cerambycidae (especialy dorcadioniini).

I will write you when I'll catch this amount of different sizes.

With best regards,

13.05.2008 20:28, Damien

Hello Mr. Andrew,

Thanks for your reply. It's OK, no problem, I'll wait for your news.

Best regards


12.08.2008 15:26, Damien


I think now the season for Lucanus cervus is finish. Perhaps someone have specimens to propose ? I'm looking for ex. from all countries (all ssp.) and all sizes. Please, if you want to make an exchange, make me a proposition.

I'm looking for lucanidae, scarabeidae, geotrupidae, cetonidae and melolonthidae from Europe especially (+ Iran, Turkey, ...).

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

Damien (damien.maguerre@yahoo.fr)

14.08.2008 17:14, RippeR

Hello Damien!

I'm sorry, but I didn't catch any Lucanus cervus specimen in this year because of expeditions in Russia frown.gif

I hope you'll find what you need.

Best regards,

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