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Фото #70616: Garella musculana

Куколка, Erschoviella musculana Erschoff 1874, A New Record And A New Walnut Pest In Turkey

Garella musculana

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Основная галерея. Верх. Коллекционный экземпляр.

Фотография, определение: cengiz bostanci. Фото без обработки на сайте

Время и место съемки/ловли: 2001-02-20 18:00:00, Bartın /TURKEY

Комментарий фотографа: For the first time in Turkey, we have detected this walnut harming insect in Bartin during our explorations. This experience was very breathtaking like the first step the man made on the moon. Seeing the adult, the eggs, the larva , the pupa was exciting. There was no other image of this insect except the pencil drawing of the egg of it that was made in 1912. We have photographed this its egg in color for the first time in the world. We still continue working on this subject and we continue working on detecting the harms that organisms make in agricultural areas, lifecycles and fight for all these pests with the support and the education spectrum that our ministry of agriculture provides. This insect is a serious threat for the walnut shoots and for the fruit of walnut logs. We are aware of the fact that this insect exist in various countries. The reason why this insect hasnt been recognized is that the harm it makes to shoots has been confused by the harm made by Zeuzera Pyrina and the harm it makes to the fruit was confused by the harm Cydia Pomonella makes. The spread path of this insect is caused by the logs of walnut, the species doesnt get spread by neither the fruit nor the sapling. There was no other image of this insect except the pencil drawing of the egg of it that was made in 1912. We have photographed this its egg in color for the first time in the world. This pest does not spread with the sapling of walnut. The insect is in pupa state during the winter. Homeland of the insect is Tadjikistan and Uzbekistan. All of the countries that import walnut logs from these countries are under damage of these insects. http://dergipark.gov.tr/barofd/issue/36468/416647 Erschoviella musculana Erschoff 1874, A New Record And A New Walnut Pest In Turkey / Sayfalar: 1-1 Erschoviella musculana Erschoff 1874, A New Record And A New Walnut Pest In Turkey.docx Yafes Yıldız, ibrahim YILDIRIM, Cengiz Bostancı, Onur AYDOĞAN http://ceviz.biz/Forums-file-viewtopic-t-393

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