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Фото #70617: Garella musculana

Личинка, Erschoviella musculana Erschoff 1874, A New Record And A New Walnut Pest In Turkey

Garella musculana

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Фотография, определение: cengiz bostanci. Фото без обработки на сайте

Время и место съемки/ловли: 2018-05-20 00:00:00, Bartın /Turkey

Комментарий фотографа: For the first time in Turkey, we have detected this walnut harming insect in Bartin during our explorations. This experience was very breathtaking like the first step the man made on the moon. Seeing the adult, the eggs, the larva , the pupa was exciting. There was no other image of this insect except the pencil drawing of the egg of it that was made in 1912. We have photographed this its egg in color for the first time in the world. We still continue working on this subject and we continue working on detecting the harms that organisms make in agricultural areas, lifecycles and fight for all these pests with the support and the education spectrum that our ministry of agriculture provides. This insect is a serious threat for the walnut shoots and for the fruit of walnut logs. We are aware of the fact that this insect exist in various countries. The reason why this insect hasnt been recognized is that the harm it makes to shoots has been confused by the harm made by Zeuzera Pyrina and the harm it makes to the fruit was confused by the harm Cydia Pomonella makes. The spread path of this insect is caused by the logs of walnut, the species doesnt get spread by neither the fruit nor the sapling. There was no other image of this insect except the pencil drawing of the egg of it that was made in 1912. We have photographed this its egg in color for the first time in the world. This pest does not spread with the sapling of walnut. The insect is in pupa state during the winter. Homeland of the insect is Tadjikistan and Uzbekistan. All of the countries that import walnut logs from these countries are under damage of these insects. http://dergipark.gov.tr/barofd/issue/36468/416647 Erschoviella musculana Erschoff 1874, A New Record And A New Walnut Pest In Turkey / Sayfalar: 1-1 Erschoviella musculana Erschoff 1874, A New Record And A New Walnut Pest In Turkey.docx Yafes Yıldız, ibrahim YILDIRIM, Cengiz Bostancı, Onur AYDOĞAN http://ceviz.biz/Forums-file-viewtopic-t-393

Комментарии к фотографии

25.05.2018 23:52, cengiz bostanci Подтверждаю, вид определен верно.

25.05.2018 23:48, cengiz bostanci

This pest does not spread with the sapling of walnut. The insect is in pupa state during the winter. Homeland of the insect is Tadjikistan and Uzbekistan. All of the countries that import lumber (logs) from these countries are under attack of these insects.

Erschoviella musculana Erschoff 1874, A New Record And A New Walnut Pest In Turkey

Yafes Yıldız [1] , ibrahim YILDIRIM [2] , Cengiz Bostancı [3] , Onur AYDOĞAN [4]

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Erschoviella musculana Erschoff 1874, was recorded in Turkey as the first time the result of studies conducted in the Bartin province between 2015-2018. This species which is an important walnut pest in middle Asia but, the damage is not exactly known in our country. Because damage of E. musculana confused with Zeuzera pyrina in fresh shoots and Cydia pomonella in walnut green hull.

Anahtar Kelimeler

Erschoviella musculana, Asian walnut moth, Bartın, Cydia pomonella

1. Anonim (2010). Ceviz hastalık ve zararlıları ile mücadele. T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı Koruma ve Kontrol Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, 32s.
2. Anonim (2012). Teorikten pratiğe biyolojik mücadele. T.C. Tarım ve Köyişleri Bakanlığı Koruma ve Kontrol Genel Müdürlüğü, Ankara, 224s.
3. Degtyareva VI (1964). The main lepidopterous pests of trees and shrubs of the central part of Guissar mountain ridge and Guissar valley. Edition of Academy of Sciences of the Tajik SSR. pp. 241.
4. EPPO (2005). Data sheets on quarantine pests Erschoviella musculana, OEPP/EPPO Bulletin 35, 425–428
5. EPPO (2018). https://gd.eppo.int/taxon/ERSHMU/distribution
6. FAO (2014). http://www.fao.org/faostat/en/#data/QC/visualize
7. Khan, ZH, Ramamurthy, VV, Mudasir AD, Raina RH (2011). The Asian Walnut Moth Erschoviella musculana Erschoff, 1874 (Nolidae: Lepidoptera) A New Pest of Walnut for Kashmir Valley of J&K, India, Indian Horticulture Journal; 1(1): 055-056.
8. Makhnovskii IK (1970). The walnut moth. Zashchita Rastenii 16: 30-32.
9. Orozumbekov A, Moore B (2007). Overview of forest pests Kyrgyz Republic In: Allard G (ed)Forest health and biosecurity working papers. Forest Resources Development Service, Forestry Deparment, Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nation. Working paper FBS/21E Rome, Italy, pp 1-60
10. Pavlovskii EN and Shtakelberg AA (1955). Forest pests guide. Moscow-Leningrad: Edition of Academy of Sciences of the USSR 1: 421.
11. Sangov R (2015). Tacikistan ormanlarında önemli lepidopter zararlıları Sarrothripus musculana Ershov ve Hyponomenta malinelusus’nın ekolojileri ve çevreye dost koruma sistemlerinin geliştirilmesi, Orman Enstitüsü Doktora Tezi, 220 s., Duşanbe
12. Sviridov AV (2008). The walnut Nyctoline moth Erschoviella musculana Erschov. Ukraine (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Bibl. 15.Cf. Biological Series 113(1): 60-61.

Birincil Dil tr
Dergi Bölümü Biodiversity, Environmental Management and Policy, Sustainable Forestry
Yazar: Yafes Yıldız (Sorumlu Yazar)
E-posta: yyildiz@bartin.edu.tr
Kurum: Bartın Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi
Ülke: Turkey

Yazar: ibrahim YILDIRIM
E-posta: iyildiirm@hotmail.com
Kurum: Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Müdürlüğü
Yazar: Cengiz Bostancı
E-posta: cbostanci@hotmail.com
Yazar: Onur AYDOĞAN
E-posta: onur@hotmail.com
Kaynak Göster

Bibtex @araştırma makalesi { barofd416647, journal = {Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry}, issn = {1302-0943}, address = {Bartın Üniversitesi}, year = {}, volume = {20}, pages = {1 - 1}, doi = {}, title = {Erschoviella musculana Erschoff 1874, A New Record And A New Walnut Pest In Turkey}, key = {cite}, author = {YILDIRIM, ibrahim and Yıldız, Yafes and AYDOĞAN, Onur and Bostancı, Cengiz} }
APA Yıldız, Y , YILDIRIM, i , Bostancı, C , AYDOĞAN, O . (). Erschoviella musculana Erschoff 1874, A New Record And A New Walnut Pest In Turkey. Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry, 20 (2), 1-1. Retrieved from http://dergipark.gov.tr/barofd/issue/36468/416647
MLA Yıldız, Y , YILDIRIM, i , Bostancı, C , AYDOĞAN, O . "Erschoviella musculana Erschoff 1874, A New Record And A New Walnut Pest In Turkey". Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry 20 (): 1-1
Chicago Yıldız, Y , YILDIRIM, i , Bostancı, C , AYDOĞAN, O . "Erschoviella musculana Erschoff 1874, A New Record And A New Walnut Pest In Turkey". Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry 20 (): 1-1
RIS TY - JOUR T1 - Erschoviella musculana Erschoff 1874, A New Record And A New Walnut Pest In Turkey AU - Yafes Yıldız , ibrahim YILDIRIM , Cengiz Bostancı , Onur AYDOĞAN Y1 - 2018 PY - 2018 N1 - DO - T2 - Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry JF - Journal JO - JOR SP - 1 EP - 1 VL - 20 IS - 2 SN - 1302-0943-1308-5875 M3 - UR - Y2 - 2018 ER -
EndNote %0 Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry Erschoviella musculana Erschoff 1874, A New Record And A New Walnut Pest In Turkey %A Yafes Yıldız , ibrahim YILDIRIM , Cengiz Bostancı , Onur AYDOĞAN %T Erschoviella musculana Erschoff 1874, A New Record And A New Walnut Pest In Turkey %D 2018 %J Journal of Bartin Faculty of Forestry %P 1302-0943-1308-5875 %V 20 %N 2 %R %U

25.05.2018 23:45, cengiz bostanci

For the first time in Turkey, we have detected this walnut harming insect in Bartin during our explorations. This experience was very breathtaking like the first step the man made on the moon. Seeing the adult, the eggs, the larva , the pupa was exciting. There was no other image of this insect except the pencil drawing of the egg of it that was made in 1912. We have photographed this its egg in color for the first time in the world. We still continue working on this subject and we continue working on detecting the harms that organisms make in agricultural areas, lifecycles and fight for all these pests with the support and the education spectrum that our ministry of agriculture provides.
This insect is a serious threat for the walnut shoots and for the fruit of walnut logs. We are aware of the fact that this insect exist in various countries. The reason why this insect hasnt been recognized is that the harm it makes to shoots has been confused by the harm made by Zeuzera Pyrina and the harm it makes to the fruit was confused by the harm Cydia Pomonella makes. The spread path of this insect is caused by the logs of walnut, the species doesnt get spread by neither the fruit nor the seedling

25.05.2018 23:45, cengiz bostanci Подтверждаю, вид определен верно.

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