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Pensoft launched ZooKeys - A New Open Access

Сообщество и ФорумКурилка. О насекомыхPensoft launched ZooKeys - A New Open Access

Дмитрий Мусолин, 15.08.2008 5:26

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Pensoft Publishers <bookeast@pensoft.net>
Date: Fri, Aug 15, 2008 at 2:14 AM
Subject: Pensoft launched ZooKeys - A New Open Access Journal in
Systematic Zoology

Dear Authors, Readers, Customers, Partners and Friends of Pensoft,

we are very pleased to announce launching of ZooKeys - a peer-reviewed,
open-access, rapidly produced and disseminated journal (online and
print). You may wish to look at the journal's website and first issue at

Editor-in-Chief is Terry Erwin (Smithsonian Institution). Our respectful
editorial team of zoologists from world's leading biodiversity
institutions may be seen at

The journal is based on modern technology for online submission,
manuscript flow control and publishing. Following the philosophy of the
new journal and opinions of several of our Board members, we intend to
link ZooKeys to initiatives like ZooBank, EoL, GBIF and others. Even
now, all new descriptions and related authorities published in ZooKeys
are ZooBank registered. ZooKeys is already a CrossRef member, it will be
listed in Zoological Record, and applications for ISI-listing (impact
factor) and MEDLINE (PubMed) are in progress. All new species are
submitted to Encyclopedia of Life on the day of publication! DOI numbers
and ZooBank registrations are mandatory.

The interest to the journal during the first month of existence is
enormous and number of visits are counted in thousands on some days.

Author Guidelines may be found at
http://pensoftonline.net/zookeys/index.php...out/submissions or
downloaded as PDF-file at

ZooKeys adheres strictly to the principles of open access which means
that anyone can freely read and copy all content published in ZooKeys
provided that the original source and author(s) are credited. At the
same time, the journal is published as a high-quality, full-color,
printed version, which can be ordered for more than modest prices (full
details at

For the printed version, we offer to Librarians a special maximum
flat-rate subscription per year. Order information and subscription
policy may be viewed at

Please, do not hesitate to ask for a free sample copy to be sent to any
Library which may be interested in ZooKeys.

ZooKeys will be presented at several international meetings this year.
We shall be glad to discuss any publication idea you might have in your
plans at our book stands at the International Congress of Zoology, Paris
(26-29th of August), EUREKO Meeting, Leipzig (15-19th of September),
Paris Insect Fair (27-28th of September), Prague Insect Fair (4-5th of
October), Middle East Biodiversity Symposium, Amman (20-23rd of October)
and 54th Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno (16-19th
of November).

We are looking forward to cooperate with you in this exciting publishing

With kindest regards,

Lyubomir Penev
ZooKeys Managing Editor


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