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Entephria javaria Lederer
Lepidoptera, Geometridae
Entephria kidluitata (Munroe, 1951)
Entephria kodara Vasilenko, 2002
Entephria kuznetsovi Viidalepp, 1975
Entephria lagganata (Taylor, 1908)
Entephria luteola Aubert, 1959
Entephria luteolata Aubert, 1959
Entephria lynda Troubridge, 1997
Entephria multicavata Aubert, 1959
Entephria multivagata (Hulst, 1881)
Entephria muscosaria (Christoph, 1893)
Entephria nigrescens (Hulst, 1900)
Entephria nobiliaria (Herrich-Schaffer, 1852)
Entephria occata (Pungeler, 1904)
Entephria olgae Vasilenko, 1990
Entephria orientata Aubert, 1959
Entephria polata (Duponchel, 1830)
Entephria poliotaria Hampson, 1902
Entephria punctatissima Warren, 1893
Entephria punctipes (Curtis, 1835)
Entephria ravaria (Lederer, 1853)
Entephria relegata Püngeler, 1900
Entephria rjabovi Tikhonov, 1994
Entephria sachaensis Vasilenko, 1988
Entephria separata Troubridge, 1997
Entephria takuata (Taylor, 1908)
Entephria tejmurovi Tikhonov, 1994
Entephria transsibirica Vasilenko, 1990
Entephria tzygankovi Wehrli, 1929
Entephria veletaria Wehrli, 1926
Entephria zolotarenkoi Vasilinko, 2003
Herbulotina grandis (Prout, 1914)
Herbulotina maderae (Pinker, 1971)
Idiotephria amelia (Butler, 1878)
Idiotephria debiliata (Leech, 1891)
Idiotephria debilitata (Leech, 1891)
Idiotephria evanescens (Staudinger, 1897)
Idiotephria nakatomii Inoue, 1978
Kuldscha albescens Warnecke, 1934
Kuldscha bioerraria Püngeler, 1925
Kuldscha lakearia Oberthür, 1883
Kuldscha lobbichleri Fletcher, 1961
Kuldscha loxobathra Prout, 1937
Kuldscha oberthuri Alphéraky, 1892
Kuldscha productaria Leech, 1897
Kuldscha staudingeri Alphéraky, 1883
Kyrtolitha avulsa Prout, 1937
Kyrtolitha obstinata Staudinger, 1892
Kyrtolitha pantophrica Prout, 1937
Kyrtolitha purpureotincta Sterneck, 1928
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