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Perizoma complicata Dognin, 1911
Lepidoptera, Geometridae
Perizoma conjuncta Warren, 1893
Perizoma constellata Dognin, 1913
Perizoma constricta Warren, 1901
Perizoma contrastaria Sterneck, 1931
Perizoma contrita (Prout, 1914)
Perizoma contritum (Prout, 1914)
Perizoma costata Wileman, 1911
Perizoma costiguttata (Hulst, 1896)
Perizoma costinotaria Leech, 1897
Perizoma cretinotata Bastelberger, 1907
Perizoma curvilinea (Hulst, 1896)
Perizoma custodiata (Guenée, 1857)
Perizoma cyrtozona Prout, 1922
Perizoma decorata Moore, 1888
Perizoma diltilla (Dyar, 1913)
Perizoma discors Warren, 1901
Perizoma ecbolobathra Prout
Perizoma emmelesiata Snellen, 1874
Perizoma epictata Barnes & McDunnough, 1916
Perizoma eudoxia Prout, 1934
Perizoma exempta Djakonov, 1935
Perizoma exhausta Prout, 1914
Perizoma fallax Warren, 1905
Perizoma fasciaria Leech, 1897
Perizoma fasciata Warren, 1893
Perizoma fatuaria Leech, 1897
Perizoma fennica Reuter, 1893
Perizoma flavofasciata (Thunberg, 1792)
Perizoma flavofasciatum (Thunberg, 1792)
Perizoma flavosparsata (Wagner, 1926)
Perizoma flexuosaria Boheman, 1853
Perizoma fractifascia Dognin, 1911
Perizoma fractifasciaria Leech, 1897
Perizoma fulvida Butler, 1881
Perizoma fulvidum (Butler, 1881)
Perizoma fulvimacula Hampson, 1896
Perizoma fumosum Inoue, 1982
Perizoma gigas Wiltshire, 1976
Perizoma grandis (Hulst, 1896)
Perizoma haasi (Hedemann, 1881)
Perizoma herbicolata Hulst, 1896
Perizoma herrichiata Snellen, 1874
Perizoma hydrata (Treitschke, 1829)
Perizoma iduna Prout, 1910
Perizoma illepida (Inoue, 1955)
Perizoma illepidum Inoue, 1955
Perizoma illimitata Prout, 1922
Perizoma impromissata Walker, 1862
Perizoma inconspicuaria Leech, 1897
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