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Species found: 113
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Bactra honesta Meyrick
Lepidoptera, Tortricidae
Bactra hostilis Diakonoff
Bactra jansei Diakonoff, 1963
Bactra kostermansi Diakonoff, 1956
Bactra lacteana (Caradja, 1916)
Bactra lancealana (Hubner, 1799)
Bactra legitima (Meyrick, 1911)
Bactra leucogama Meyrick
Bactra limitata Diakonoff, 1956
Bactra loeligeri Diakonoff, 1956
Bactra longinqua Diakonoff, 1959
Bactra lonina Diakonoff, 1959
Bactra maiorina Heinrich, 1923
Bactra meridiana Diakonoff, 1956
Bactra metriacma Meyrick
Bactra minima (Meyrick, 1909)
Bactra misoolensis Diakonoff, 1956
Bactra nea Diakonoff
Bactra nesiotis Diakonoff, 1963
Bactra neuricana Zeller, 1877
Bactra noteraula Walsingham, 1907
Bactra oceani Diakonoff, 1956
Bactra ochrographa Diakonoff, 1989
Bactra optanias Diakonoff
Bactra orbicula Diakonoff, 1956
Bactra passercula Turner, 1916
Bactra perisema Meyrick
Bactra phaulopa Meyrick
Bactra philocherda Diakonoff
Bactra priapeia Heinrich, 1923
Bactra psammitis Turner, 1916
Bactra punctistrigana Mabille, [1900]
Bactra pythonia Meyrick, 1909
Bactra rhabdonoma Diakonoff, 1963
Bactra rhadonoma Diakonoff
Bactra robustana (Christoph, 1872)
Bactra salpictris Diakonoff, 1963
Bactra sardonia (Meyrick, 1908)
Bactra scalopias Meyrick, 1911
Bactra scrupulosa Meyrick, 1911
Bactra seria Meyrick
Bactra sideritis Meyrick, 1905
Bactra simpliciana Chrétien, 1915
Bactra sinassula Diakonoff, 1963
Bactra sinistra Heinrich, 1926
Bactra solivaga Diakonoff, 1956
Bactra sordidata Diakonoff, 1963
Bactra spinosa Diakonoff, 1963
Bactra stagnicolana Zeller, 1852
Bactra stramenticia Diakonoff, 1953
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