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Agulla crotchi Banks, 1924
Raphidioptera, Raphidiidae
Agulla directa Carpenter, 1936
Agulla faulkneri U. Aspöck, 1987
Agulla flexa Carpenter, 1936
Agulla herbsti Esben-Petersen, 1912
Agulla modesta Carpenter, 1936
Agulla nigrinotum Woglum and McGregor, 1964
Agulla paramerica U. Aspöck, 1982
Agulla unicolor Carpenter, 1936
Albardia furcata van der Weele, 1903
Neuroptera, Ascalaphidae
Alena americana Carpenter, [1959
Alena australis Banks, 1895
Alena caudata Navás, 1914
Alena distincta Banks, 1911
Alena horstaspoecki U. Aspöck & Contreras-Ramos, 2004
Alena infundibulata U. Aspöck et al., 1994
Alena minuta Banks, 1903
Alena schremmeri U. Aspöck et al., 1994
Alena tenochtitlana U. Aspöck & H. Aspöck, 1978
Aleuropteryx arabica Meinander, 1977
Neuroptera, Coniopterygidae
Aleuropteryx arceuthobii Meinander, 1975
Aleuropteryx argentata Tjeder, 1957
Aleuropteryx arizonica V. Johnson, 1981
Aleuropteryx capensis Meinander, 1983
Aleuropteryx clavicornis Meinander, 1995
Aleuropteryx cupressi Meinander, 1974
Aleuropteryx dorsalis Meinander, 1998
Aleuropteryx dragoonica V. Johnson, 1981
Aleuropteryx felix Meinander, 1977
Aleuropteryx furcocubitalis H. Aspöck & U. Aspöck, 1968
Aleuropteryx hoelzeli Meinander, 1998
Aleuropteryx iberica Monserrat, [1977
Aleuropteryx juniperi Ohm, 1968
Aleuropteryx knowltoni V. Johnson, 1981
Aleuropteryx loewii Klapalek, 1894
Aleuropteryx longipennis Meinander, 1974
Aleuropteryx longiscapes Meinander, 1965
Aleuropteryx maculata Meinander, 1963
Aleuropteryx maculipennis Meinander, 1972
Aleuropteryx megacornis V. Johnson, 1981
Aleuropteryx mestrei Monserrat, [1997
Aleuropteryx minuta Meinander, 1965
Aleuropteryx multispinosa Meinander, 1998
Aleuropteryx ohmi Meinander, 1998
Aleuropteryx pseudocapensis Meinander, 1998
Aleuropteryx punctata Meinander, 1974
Aleuropteryx remane Rausch et al., 1978
Aleuropteryx ressli Rausch et al., 1978
Aleuropteryx rugosa Meinander, 1995
Aleuropteryx simillima Meinander, 1972
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