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Species found: 478
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Anthaxia emarginata Barr, 1971
Coleoptera, Buprestidae
Anthaxia embrikstrandella Obenberger, 1936
Anthaxia espanoli Cobos, 1954
Anthaxia eugeniae Ganglbauer, 1885
Anthaxia exasperans Cobos, 1958
Anthaxia expansa LeConte, 1857
Anthaxia fernandezi Cobos, 1953
Anthaxia fisheri Obenberger, 1928
Anthaxia fulgurans (Schrank, 1789)
Anthaxia funerula (Illiger, 1803)
Anthaxia furnissi Barr, 1971
Anthaxia godeti Gory & Laporte, 1839
Anthaxia graeca Bily, 1984
Anthaxia griseocuprea Kiesenwetter, 1857
Anthaxia hackeri Frivaldszki, 1884
Anthaxia hatchi Barr, 1971
Anthaxia helferiana Bílý, 1995
Anthaxia helvetica Stierlin, 1868
Anthaxia herbertschmidi Novak, 1992
Anthaxia hladili Bily, 1984
Anthaxia hozaki Bily, 1973
Anthaxia hungarica (Scopoli, 1772)
Anthaxia hurdi Cobos, 1958
Anthaxia hypomelaena (Illiger, 1803)
Anthaxia idae Obenberger, 1938
Anthaxia ignipennis Abeille de Perrin, 1882
Anthaxia imperfecta LeConte, 1860
Anthaxia impunctata Abeille de Perrin, 1909
Anthaxia inornata Randall, 1838
Anthaxia istriana Rosenhauer, 1847
Anthaxia juliae Liberto, 1996
Anthaxia karsanthiana Pic, 1917
Anthaxia kiesenwetteri Marseul, 1865
Anthaxia knulli Obenberger, 1928
Anthaxia kochi Obenberger, 1938
Anthaxia kubani Bily, 1986
Anthaxia kurdistana Obenberger, 1912
Anthaxia laticeps Abeille de Perrin, 1900
Anthaxia leechi Cobos, 1958
Anthaxia liae Gobbi, 1983
Anthaxia lucens Kuster, 1852
Anthaxia lusitanica Obenberger, 1943
Anthaxia mahri Novak, 1984
Anthaxia mamaj Pliginski, 1924
Anthaxia manca (Linnaeus, 1767)
Anthaxia marani Obenberger, 1938
Anthaxia margotana Novak, 1983
Anthaxia marmottani Brisout de Barneville, 1883
Anthaxia masculina Bily, 1984
Anthaxia mendizabali Cobos, 1965
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