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Alisotrichia euphrosyne Botosaneanu, 1991
Trichoptera, Hydroptilidae
Alisotrichia flintiana Botosaneanu, 1977
Alisotrichia fundorai Botosaneanu & Sykora, 1973
Alisotrichia giampaolina Botosaneanu, 1998
Alisotrichia hirudopsis Flint, 1964
Alisotrichia hispaniolina Botosaneanu, 1991
Alisotrichia latipalpis Flint, 1991
Alisotrichia lobata Flint, 1968
Alisotrichia orophila Flint, 1968
Alisotrichia schmidi Kumanski, 1987
Alisotrichia setigera Flint, 1992
Alisotrichia sonora Bueno-Soria & Harris, 1993
Alisotrichia tenuivirga Botosaneanu, 1998
Alisotrichia tetraespinosa Bueno-Soria & Harris, 1993
Alisotrichia thalia Botosaneanu, 1991
Alisotrichia timouchela Botosaneanu, 1989
Alisotrichia tiza Harris & Holzenthal, 1993
Alisotrichia ventricosa Flint, 1991
Anchitrichia duplifurcata Flint, 1983
Anchitrichia palmatiloba Flint, 1991
Anchitrichia spangleri Flint, 1970
Anchitrichia trifurcata Angrisano, 1984
Ascotrichia frontalis Flint, 1983
Ascotrichia surinamensis Flint, 1974
Austratrichia neboissi Wells, 1982
Betrichia argentinica Flint, 1972
Betrichia bispinosa Flint, 1974
Betrichia hamulifera Flint, 1983
Betrichia longistyla Flint, 1983
Betrichia occidentalis Flint, 1974
Betrichia uruguayensis Angrisano, 1995
Betrichia zilbra Mosely, 1939
Bredinia appendiculata Flint & Sykora, 1993
Bredinia costaricensis Flint, 1967
Bredinia dominicensis Flint, 1968
Byrsopteryx abrelata Harris & Holzenthal, 1994
Byrsopteryx chaconi Harris & Holzenthal, 1994
Byrsopteryx cuchilla Harris & Holzenthal, 1994
Byrsopteryx esparta Harris & Holzenthal, 1994
Byrsopteryx espinhosa Harris & Holzenthal, 1994
Byrsopteryx gomezi Harris & Holzenthal, 1994
Byrsopteryx loja Harris & Holzenthal, 1994
Byrsopteryx mirifica Flint, 1981
Byrsopteryx rayada Harris & Holzenthal, 1994
Byrsopteryx septempunctata Flint, 1968
Byrsopteryx solisi Harris & Holzenthal, 1994
Byrsopteryx tapanti Harris & Holzenthal, 1994
Byrsopteryx tica Harris & Holzenthal, 1994
Caledonotrichia charadra Kelley, 1989
Caledonotrichia extensa Kelley, 1989
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