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Ceroxys laticornis Loew, 1873
Diptera, Otitidae
Ceroxys latiusculus Loew, 1873
Ceroxys morosa Loew, 1873
Ceroxys munda Loew, 1869
Ceroxys pallidus Steyskal, 1991
Ceroxys philadelphica Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
Ceroxys robusta Loew, 1873
Ceroxys scutellata Macquart, 1835
Ceroxys splendens Becker, 1907
Ceroxys unimaculata Czerny, 1909
Ceroxys urticae Linnaeus, 1758
Ceroxys zaidami Becker, 1907
Chaetopsis aenea Wiedemann, 1830
Chaetopsis anomalipennis Malloch, 1933
Chaetopsis apicalis Johnson, 1900
Chaetopsis armaticornis Malloch, 1933
Chaetopsis debilis Loew, 1868
Chaetopsis duplicata Johnson, 1921
Chaetopsis fulvifrons Macquart, 1855
Chaetopsis halterata Malloch, 1933
Chaetopsis magna Cresson, 1924
Chaetopsis major Wulp, 1899
Chaetopsis massyla Walker, 1849
Chaetopsis mucronata Hendel, 1909
Chaetopsis praeceps Hendel, 1909
Chaetopsis quadrifasciata Curran, 1928
Chondrometopum arcuatum Hendel, 1909
Chondrometopum bifenestratum Kertesz, 1913
Chondrometopum leve Hendel, 1914
Coscinum clavipes Hendel, 1909
Curranops apicalis Cole and Lovett, 1921
Curranops scutellaris Coquillett, 1900
Cymatozus bestifer Hendel, 1909
Cymatozus fenestellatus Hendel, 1909
Cymatozus marginatus Hendel, 1909
Cymatozus polymorphomyiodes Enderlein, 1912
Cyrtomostoma gigas Hendel, 1909
Dasymetopa fenestrata Hendel, 1909
Dasymetopa fumipennis Hendel, 1909
Dasymetopa luteipennis Hendel, 1909
Dasymetopa lutulenta Loew, 1868
Dasymetopa nigropunctata Hendel, 1909
Dasymetopa ochracea Hendel, 1909
Dasymetopa quinquepunctata Hendel, 1911
Dasymetopa septempunctata Hendel, 1909
Dasymetopa sordida Hendel, 1909
Delphinia picta Fabricius, 1781
Diacrita costalis Gerstacker, 1860
Diacrita plana Steyskal, 1947
Dorycera aquatica Geoffroy, 1785
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