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Species found: 2933
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Anthracophagella striatifrons Becker, 1911
Diptera, Chloropidae
Anthracophagella sulcifrons Becker, 1911
Apallates aeneus Duda, 1931
Apallates antiguanus Duda, 1933
Apallates columbianus Enderlein, 1911
Apallates convexus Loew, 1866
Apallates costaricanus Duda, 1930
Apallates coxendix Fitch, 1856
Apallates dissidens Tucker, 1908
Apallates diversipes Curran, 1926
Apallates forbesi Curran, 1931
Apallates frontalis Becker, 1912
Apallates fur Williston, 1896
Apallates hermsi Sabrosky, 1941
Apallates luteipes Becker, 1912
Apallates lutzi Curran, 1926
Apallates maculicornis Duda, 1936
Apallates magnipalpoides Curran, 1926
Apallates miccotrogus Seguy, 1940
Apallates microcentrus Coquillett, 1904
Apallates montanus Sabrosky, 1941
Apallates neocoxendix Sabrosky, 1040
Apallates nigricoxa Malloch, 1913
Apallates nigripes Duda, 1930
Apallates nocens Becker, 1912
Apallates ochripes Sabrosky, 1940
Apallates paessleri Duda, 1930
Apallates particeps Becker, 1912
Apallates parvulus Malloch, 1934
Apallates pruinosus Duda, 1930
Apallates sicatrix Curran, 1926
Apallates subtomentosus Enderlein, 1911
Apallates tener Coquillett, 1990
Apallates tomentosus Enderlein, 1911
Apallates triangulinus Duda, 1930
Apallates varipalpus Curran, 1926
Apallates viridiniger Enderlein, 1911
Aphanotrigonella albipes Dely-Draskovits, 1981
Aphanotrigonella longinervis Nartshuk, 1964
Aphanotrigonella mongolica Dely-Draskovits, 1981
Aphanotrigonella sublonginervis Dely-Draskovits, 1981
Aphanotrigonum anderssoni Nartshuk, 2004
Aphanotrigonum beschovskii Dely-Draskovits, 1981
Aphanotrigonum bicolor Nartshuk, 1964
Aphanotrigonum brachypterum Zetterstedt, 1848
Aphanotrigonum brunneum Collin, 1946
Aphanotrigonum cinctellum Zetterstedt, 1848
Aphanotrigonum darlingtoniae Jones, 1916
Aphanotrigonum dissitum Nartshuk, 1976
Aphanotrigonum fasciella Zetterstedt, 1855
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