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Amobia aberrans Reinhard, 1955
Diptera, Sarcophagidae
Amobia africa Curran, 1936
Amobia auriceps Baranov, 1935
Amobia aurifrons Townsend, 1891
Amobia burnsi Malloch, 1930
Amobia capensis Curran, 1936
Amobia distorta Allen, 1926
Amobia erythrura Wulp, 1890
Amobia floridensis Townsend, 1892
Amobia hinei Allen, 1926
Amobia oculata (Zetterstedt, 1844)
Amobia ornaticauda Aldrich, 1928
Amobia pelopei Rondani, 1859
Amobia pridei Richards, 1936
Amobia quatei Kurahashi, 1974
Amobia sarcophagina Wulp, 1890
Amobia signata Meigen, 1824
Angiometopa bajkalensis Kolomiets & Artamonov, 1981
Angiometopa falleni Pape, 1986
Angiometopa flavisquama Villeneuve, 1911
Angiometopa mihalyii Rohdendorf & Verves, 1978
Anicia campestris Fallen, 1820
Anicia inermis Allen, 1926
Anicia lucipeda Reinhard, 1961
Anicia tessellata Allen, 1926
Anolisimyia blakeae Dodge, 1955
Apodacra africana Rohdendorf, 1930
Apodacra algiralis Seguy, 1941
Apodacra argyrina Rohdendorf, 1930
Apodacra argyrocephala Rohdendorf, 1925
Apodacra bajanchongorica Rohdendorf & Verves, 1980
Apodacra brahicera Rohdendorf, 1925
Apodacra ceylonica Verves, 1979
Apodacra chrysocephala Rohdendorf, 1925
Apodacra ctenoscelis Rohdendorf, 1925
Apodacra cyprica Rondani, 1859
Apodacra dasystigma Rohdendorf, 1934
Apodacra dichaeta Rohdendorf, 1925
Apodacra dispar Villeneuve, 1916
Apodacra fallax Rohdendorf, 1925
Apodacra flavitarsis Rohdendorf & Verves, 1980
Apodacra greatheadi Zumpt, 1962
Apodacra heptopotamica Rohdendorf, 1925
Apodacra korneyevi Verves, 1999
Apodacra leucocera Rohdendorf, 1925
Apodacra linearis Villeneuve, 1933
Apodacra ljudmilae Verves, 1980
Apodacra macra Rohdendorf, 1930
Apodacra melanarista Rohdendorf, 1925
Apodacra melanothorax Rohdendorf, 1930
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