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Chaetexorista dives Villeneuve, 1938
Diptera, Tachinidae
Chaetexorista eutachinoides Baranov, 1932
Chaetexorista imperator Baranov, 1936
Chaetexorista javana Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1895
Chaetexorista klapperichi Mesnil, 1960
Chaetexorista langi Curran, 1927
Chaetexorista microchaeta Chao, 1965
Chaetexorista ocellaris Curran, 1927
Chaetexorista palpis Chao, 1965
Chaetexorista setosa Chao, 1965
Chaetexorista solomonensis Baranov, 1936
Chaetexorista sororcula Villeneuve, 1938
Chetogena acuminata Rondani, 1859
Chetogena aegyptiaca Villeneuve, 1923
Chetogena alpestris Tschorsnig, 1997
Chetogena appendiculata Wulp, 1890
Chetogena approximata Villeneuve, 1936
Chetogena arnaudi Reinhard, 1956
Chetogena barbara Mesnil, 1939
Chetogena bezziana Baranov, 1934
Chetogena biserialis Schiner, 1868
Chetogena blondeli Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
Chetogena carbonaria Giglio-Tos, 1893
Chetogena caridei Brethes & Brethes, 1918
Chetogena cercosa Kugler, 1980
Chetogena cincta Giglio-Tos, 1893
Chetogena cinerea Wulp, 1890
Chetogena cirrata Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
Chetogena claripennis Macquart, 1848
Chetogena clunalis Reinhard, 1956
Chetogena cumutoensis Thompson, 1968
Chetogena echinata Mesnil, 1939
Chetogena edwardsii Williston, 1889
Chetogena erythrocera Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
Chetogena eurotae Blanchard, 1937
Chetogena fasciata Egger, 1856
Chetogena filipalpis Rondani, 1859
Chetogena filipes Mesnil, 1939
Chetogena flaviceps Bigot, 1887
Chetogena flavocincta Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
Chetogena floridensis Townsend, 1916
Chetogena floridensis Townsend, 1892
Chetogena gelida Coquillett, 1897
Chetogena gracilis Giglio-Tos, 1893
Chetogena gynaephorae Chao & Shi, 1987
Chetogena haywardi Blanchard, 1947
Chetogena heliconunarum Townsend, 1929
Chetogena indivisa Aldrich and Webber, 1924
Chetogena innocens Wiedemann, 1830
Chetogena janitrix Hartig, 1837
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