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Acleros mackenii (Trimen, 1868)
Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae
Acleros neavei Evans, 1937
Acleros nigrapex Strand, 1913
Acleros ploetzi Mabille, 1889
Acleros sparsum Druce, 1909
Acromecis caesar Fabricius, 1793
Acromecis evander Mabille, 1890
Acromecis fenestrella Bethune-Baker, 1908
Actinor radians (Moore, 1878)
Adlerodea astiga Schaus, 1902
Adlerodea lemba Evans, 1955
Adlerodea mineira Mielke, 1968
Adlerodea modesta Hayward, 1940
Adlerodea petrovna (Schaus, 1902)
Adopaeoides bistriata Godman, [1900]
Adopaeoides prittwitzi (Plötz, 1884)
Aegiale hesperiaris (Walker, 1856)
Aeromachus bandaishanus Murayama & Shimonoya, 1973
Aeromachus bandarshanus Murayama, 1972
Aeromachus catocyanea (Mabille, 1879)
Aeromachus chineusis Edwards
Aeromachus cognatus Inoue & Kawazoe, 1966
Aeromachus dubius Elwes & Edwards, 1897
Aeromachus inachus (Menetries, 1859)
Aeromachus jhora (de Nicéville, 1885)
Aeromachus kali (de Nicéville, 1885)
Aeromachus matsudai Murayama, 1943
Aeromachus matudai Murayama, 1943
Aeromachus monstrabilus Huang, 2003
Aeromachus musca Mabille, 1876
Aeromachus muscus (Mabille, 1876)
Aeromachus piceus Leech, 1894
Aeromachus plumbeolus (C. & R. Felder, 1867)
Aeromachus propinquus Alphéraky, 1897
Aeromachus pseudojhora Lee, 1962
Aeromachus pygmaeus (Fabricius, 1775)
Aeromachus skola Evans, 1943
Aeromachus spuria Evans, 1943
Aeromachus stigmata (Moore, 1878)
Aethilla chiapa Freeman, 1969
Aethilla echina Hewitson, 1870
Aethilla eleusinia Hewitson, 1868
Aethilla epicra Hewitson, 1870
Aethilla gigas (Mabille, 1877)
Aethilla haber (Mabille, 1891)
Aethilla later (Mabille, 1891)
Aethilla lavochrea Butler, 1872
Aethilla melas Plötz, 1882
Aethilla memmius Butler, 1870
Agathymus alliae (Stallings & Turner, 1957)
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