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Afranthidium naefi (Benoist, 1951)
Hymenoptera, Megachilidae
Afranthidium nigritarse Friese, 1904
Afranthidium nigronitens Pasteels, 1984
Afranthidium nitidorubrum Pasteels, 1984
Afranthidium odonturum Cockerell, 1932
Afranthidium pentagonum Gussakovsky, 1930
Afranthidium piliventre Friese, 1913
Afranthidium poecilodontum Mavromoustakis, 1934
Afranthidium polyacanthum Mavromoustakis, 1938
Afranthidium pusillum Morawitz, 1895
Afranthidium reicherti Brauns, 1929
Afranthidium repetitum Schulz, 1906
Afranthidium rubellulum Cockerell, 1932
Afranthidium rubellum Brauns, 1905
Afranthidium rubiculum Brauns, 1905
Afranthidium sakaniense Cockerell, 1936
Afranthidium schulthessii Friese, 1897
Afranthidium silverlocki Mavromoustakis, 1936
Afranthidium sjoestedti Friese, 1909
Afranthidium tanganyicola Strand, 1911
Afranthidium tergoangulatum Pasteels, 1984
Afranthidium tergofasciatum Pasteels, 1984
Afranthidium villosomarginatum Pasteels, 1984
Afrodasypoda plumipes Friese, 1912
Hymenoptera, Melittidae
Afroheriades dolichocephalus Friese, 1925
Afroheriades geminus Peters, 1978
Afroheriades hennigi Peters, 1978
Afroheriades larvatus Friese, 1909
Afroheriades primus Peters, 1970
Afroheriades reicherti Brauns, 1929
Afromelecta bicuspis Stadelmann, 1898
Hymenoptera, Apidae
Afromelecta fulvohirta Cameron, 1905
Afromelecta lieftincki Eardley, 1991
Afrostelis aethiopica Friese, 1925
Afrostelis kigonserana Friese, 1925
Afrostelis madagascariensis Pauly, 2001
Afrostelis ogilviei Cockerell, 1936
Afrostelis otavica Cockerell, 1937
Afrostelis tegularis Cockerell, 1931
Agapanthinus callophilus Cockerell, 1923
Agapostemon aenigma Roberts, 1972
Hymenoptera, Halictidae
Agapostemon alayoi Roberts, 1972
Agapostemon angelicus Cockerell, 1924
Agapostemon ascius Roberts, 1972
Agapostemon atrocaeruleus Friese, 1917
Agapostemon boliviensis Roberts, 1972
Agapostemon centratus Vachal, 1903
Agapostemon chapadensis Cockerell, 1900
Agapostemon chiriquiensis Vachal, 1903
Agapostemon coloradinus Vachal, 1903
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