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Species found: 1307
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Atropsocus atratus Aaron, 1883
Psocodea, Psocidae
Barrowia insularis Smithers, Courtenay, 1984
Blaste alfineta New, 1972
Blaste alluaudi Badonnel, 1935
Blaste amazonica Garcia Aldrete, 1999
Blaste angolensis Badonnel, 1955
Blaste angusta Smithers, Courtenay, 1984
Blaste angustipennis Mockford, 1996
Blaste annellus Banks, N., 1941
Blaste aptera Broadhead & Alison Richards, 1980
Blaste arabica New, 1979
Blaste auricularia Badonnel, 1987
Blaste balli Badonnel, 1945
Blaste basilewskyi Badonnel, 1976
Blaste betschi Badonnel, 1977
Blaste bicuspis Smithers, Courtenay, 1964
Blaste binotata Enderlein, 1926
Blaste bistriata Schmidt, E. R. & Thornton, 1993
Blaste bridarollii Navás, 1928
Blaste capricornuta Mockford, 1974
Blaste castala Thornton & Lyall, 1978
Blaste caudata Mockford, 1991
Blaste cinerea Enderlein, 1903
Blaste cockerelli Banks, 1904
Blaste conspurcata Rambur, 1842
Blaste cornuta Badonnel, 1987
Blaste cyclota Li, Fasheng, 2002
Blaste cyprica Lienhard, 1995
Blaste didyma Lienhard, 1986
Blaste dundoensis Badonnel, 1955
Blaste edwardi Lienhard & Courtenay Smithers, 2002
Blaste euryphylla Li, Fasheng & Chikun Yang, 1987
Blaste falcifer Smithers, Courtenay, 1979
Blaste falsa Badonnel, 1977
Blaste fasciata Mockford, 1974
Blaste forcepata New, 1972
Blaste forficula Schmidt, E. R. & Thornton, 1993
Blaste furcilla New, 1974
Blaste fuscoptera New, 1975
Blaste fusimera New & Thornton, 1975
Blaste garciorum Mockford, 1984
Blaste hamata Mockford, 1991
Blaste harpophylla Li, Fasheng, 2002
Blaste immobilis Mockford, 1974
Blaste lignicola Enderlein, 1906
Blaste ligula New & Thornton, 1975
Blaste longicauda Mockford, 1974
Blaste longipennis Banks, 1918
Blaste longispina Mockford, 1991
Blaste longivalva New, 1975
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