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Acanthametropus nikolskyi Tshernova, 1948
Ephemeroptera, Acanthametropodidae
Acanthametropus pecatonica Burks, 1953
Acanthiops cooperi Gillies & Wuillot, 1997
Ephemeroptera, Baetidae
Acanthiops delphinae Gattolliat, 2000
Acanthiops elgonensis Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998
Acanthiops erepens Gillies, 1990
Acanthiops faro Barber-James & McCafferty, 2001
Acanthiops gosei McCafferty, 2002
Acanthiops griffithsi Lugo-Ortiz &McCafferty, 1998
Acanthiops io Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 2001
Acanthiops marlieri Demoulin, 1967
Acanthiops namorona Gattolliat, 2000
Acanthiops spinosum Gattolliat, 2000
Acanthiops tsitsa Barber-James & McCafferty, 1997
Acanthiops variegatus Gillies, 1991
Acanthiops varius Crass, 1947
Acanthiops zomba Lugo-Ortiz & McCafferty, 1998
Acanthophlebia cruentata Hudson, 1904
Ephemeroptera, Leptophlebiidae
Acentrella alachua Berner, 1940
Acentrella almohades Alba-Tercedor & El-Alami, 1999
Acentrella barbarae Jacobus and McCafferty, 2006
Acentrella chantauensis Kluge, 1981
Acentrella charadra Sroka & Arnekleiv, 2010
Acentrella diptera Kluge & Novikova, 2011
Acentrella feminalis Eaton, 1885
Acentrella fenestrata Kazlauskas, 1963
Acentrella feropagus Alba-Tercedor & McCafferty, 2000
Acentrella glareosa Sroka & Arnekleiv, 2010
Acentrella gnom Kluge, 1983
Acentrella hyaloptera Bogoescu, 1951
Acentrella inexpectata Tshernova, 1928
Acentrella insignificans McDunnough, 1926
Acentrella joosti Zimmermann & Braasch, 1979
Acentrella lapponica Bengtsson, 1912
Acentrella lata Müller-Liebenau, 1985
Acentrella nadineae McCafferty, Waltz and Webb, 2009
Acentrella parvula McDunnough, 1932
Acentrella rallatoma Burian & Myers, 2011
Acentrella scabriventris Kluge & Novikova, 2011
Acentrella sibirica Kazlauskas, 1963
Acentrella sinaica Bogoescu, 1931
Acentrella suzukiella Matsumura, 1931
Acentrella tonneri Braasch & Soldán, 1983
Acentrella turbida McDunnough, 1924
Aceratobasis cornicauda Calvert, 1909
Odonata, Coenagrionidae
Aceratobasis macilenta Rambur, 1842
Aceratobasis mourei Santos, 1970
Aceratobasis nathaliae Lencioni, 2004
Acerobiella alinae Gattolliat, 2012
Acerpenna akataleptos McDunnough, 1926
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