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Species found: 663
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Lamprigera angustior Fairmaire, 1886
Coleoptera, Lampyridae
Lamprigera boyei Motschulsky, 1853
Lamprigera crassus Gorham, 1880
Lamprigera diffinis Walker, 1858
Lamprigera dorsalis E. Olivier, 1903
Lamprigera lutosipennis Fairmaire, 1897
Lamprigera marusii Pic, 1955
Lamprigera minor E. Olivier, 1885
Lamprigera morator E. Olivier, 1891
Lamprigera nepalensis Hope in Gray, 1831
Lamprigera nitens E. Olivier, 1885
Lamprigera nitidicollis Fairmaire, 1881
Lamprigera scutatus Fairmaire, 1897
Lamprigera tarda Gorham, 1895
Lamprigera tenebrosa Walker, 1858
Lamprigera yunnana Fairmaire, 1897
Lucidina accensa Gorham, 1883
Lucidina angusticollis Pic, 1944
Lucidina binhana Pic, 1926
Lucidina biplagiata Motschulsky, 1866
Lucidina bogorensis Pic, 1944
Lucidina boucardi Pic, 1944
Lucidina clavareaui E. Olivier, 1900
Lucidina flabellata Pic, 1944
Lucidina glaber Kleine, 1950
Lucidina klapperichi Pic, 1955
Lucidina kotbandia Park and Chang in Park et al., 2005
Lucidina malaccana Pic, 1917
Lucidina multicostulata Pic, 1944
Lucidina natsumiae Chûjô and Satô, 1972
Lucidina okadai Nakane & Ohbayashi, 1949
Lucidina pugnax E. Olivier, 1902
Lucidina roseonotata Pic, 1917
Lucidina sumatrensis Pic, 1917
Lucidina testaceipes Pic, 1944
Lucidina tonkinea Pic, 1917
Lucidina vitalisi Pic, 1917
Lucidina wallacei Pic, 1944
Lucidota albicollis Blanchard in Brullé, 1846
Lucidota albocincta Pic, 1940
Lucidota albocornuta Pic, 1940
Lucidota amabilis Gorham, 1880
Lucidota angustata Motschulsky, 1854
Lucidota antennata Laporte, 1833
Lucidota antonioi Pic, 1940
Lucidota apicalis Gorham, 1880
Lucidota apicicornis Gorham, 1880
Lucidota apicipennis Pic, 1927
Lucidota appendiculata Germar, 1824
Lucidota approximans E. Olivier, 1885
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