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Ablabesmyia nilotica Kieffer, 1923
Diptera, Chironomidae
Ablabesmyia notabilis Skuse, 1889
Ablabesmyia oriplanus Kieffer, 1911
Ablabesmyia ornatipes Kieffer, 1910
Ablabesmyia paivai Kieffer, 1910
Ablabesmyia parajanta Roback, 1971
Ablabesmyia pectinata Botnariuc, 1953
Ablabesmyia peleensis Walley, 1926
Ablabesmyia phatta Egger, 1863
Ablabesmyia philosphagnos Beck and Beck, 1966
Ablabesmyia photophilus Kieffer, 1911
Ablabesmyia pictipes Kieffer, 1923
Ablabesmyia prorasha Kobayashi & Kubota, 2002
Ablabesmyia pruinosa Harrison, 1978
Ablabesmyia pruninosa Harrison, 1978
Ablabesmyia pseudornata Santos Abreu, 1918
Ablabesmyia pulchripennis Lundbeck, 1898
Ablabesmyia pulchripes Kieffer, 1910
Ablabesmyia punctulata Philippi, 1865
Ablabesmyia quadrinotata Lundstrom, 1915
Ablabesmyia rasha Roback, 1971
Ablabesmyia reissi Paggi & Suarez, 2000
Ablabesmyia rhamphe Sublette, 1964
Ablabesmyia rimae Harrison, 1991
Ablabesmyia rubicundulus Santos Abreu, 1918
Ablabesmyia rufa Kieffer, 1923
Ablabesmyia setosicornis Kieffer, 1910
Ablabesmyia simpsoni Roback, 1985
Ablabesmyia subrecta Kieffer, 1923
Ablabesmyia sulphurea Goetghebuer, 1942
Ablabesmyia suturalis Santos Abreu, 1918
Ablabesmyia transversus Chaudhuri, Debnath & Nandi, 1983
Ablabesmyia truncata Goetghebuer, 1938
Ablabesmyia variipes Kieffer, 1910
Ablabesmyia virduliventris Santos Abreu, 1918
Acalcarella kasimovi Akhrorov, 1975
Acalcarella nucus Pankratova, 1950
Acamptocladius dentolatens Saether, 1971
Acamptocladius reissi Cranston & Saether, 1981
Acamptocladius submontanus Edwards, 1932
Acricotopus aestivalis Kieffer, 1924
Acricotopus atriforceps Kieffer, 1921
Acricotopus crassicorpus Kieffer, 1924
Acricotopus litoris Kieffer, 1924
Acricotopus longipalpus Reiss, 1968
Acricotopus lucens Zetterstedt, 1850
Acricotopus lucidus Staeg.
Acricotopus majalis Kieffer, 1924
Acricotopus maritimus Zelentsov, 1993
Acricotopus melanops Kieffer, 1921
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