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Leptotyphlus bormanus Coiffait, 1955
Coleoptera, Staphylinidae
Leptotyphlus bouilloni Coiffait, 1959
Leptotyphlus boulouensis Coiffait, 1962
Leptotyphlus brescius Thelot, 1980
Leptotyphlus brevicornis Coiffait, 1955
Leptotyphlus calabricus Coiffait, 1970
Leptotyphlus calcatogius Coiffait, 1959
Leptotyphlus calenzanus Coiffait, 1959
Leptotyphlus campanus Pace, 1977
Leptotyphlus camulus Coiffait, 1955
Leptotyphlus cargeseensis Orousset, 1984
Leptotyphlus cariniventris Coiffait, 1959
Leptotyphlus castillonensis Coiffait, 1957
Leptotyphlus chappuisi Coiffait, 1959
Leptotyphlus charon Coiffait, 1955
Leptotyphlus cheironensis Thelot, 1984
Leptotyphlus chiavariensis Orousset, 1984
Leptotyphlus circaeus Pace, 1977
Leptotyphlus coiffaiti Herve, 1964
Leptotyphlus collensis Coiffait, 1959
Leptotyphlus compitalis Herve, 1965
Leptotyphlus couseranus Coiffait, 1959
Leptotyphlus crassiphallus Coiffait, 1955
Leptotyphlus cribratus Fauvel, 1890
Leptotyphlus cribriceps Bernhauer, 1908
Leptotyphlus cyrneus Orousset, 1984
Leptotyphlus demeter Coiffait, 1955
Leptotyphlus dentatus Coiffait, 1957
Leptotyphlus denticulatus Coiffait, 1957
Leptotyphlus devillei Coiffait, 1957
Leptotyphlus dispar Herve, 1965
Leptotyphlus dispersus Herve, 1966
Leptotyphlus distinctus Coiffait, 1955
Leptotyphlus domensis Coiffait, 1957
Leptotyphlus dubius Coiffait, 1957
Leptotyphlus dujardini Herve, 1967
Leptotyphlus eaqus Coiffait, 1957
Leptotyphlus elbanus Pace, 1980
Leptotyphlus esus Coiffait, 1955
Leptotyphlus eurydice Coiffait, 1962
Leptotyphlus exilis (Mulsant & Rey, 1875)
Leptotyphlus eximius Orousset, 1988
Leptotyphlus ezeensis Coiffait, 1957
Leptotyphlus fallax Orousset, 1985
Leptotyphlus farinolensis Orousset, 1985
Leptotyphlus finalensis Pace, 1977
Leptotyphlus fissuralis Coiffait, 1959
Leptotyphlus fonfrigidus Coiffait, 1962
Leptotyphlus foroiuliensis Pace, 1976
Leptotyphlus foveiceps Dodero, 1908
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