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Cardiocondyla opistopsis Seifert, 2003
Hymenoptera, Formicidae
Cardiocondyla papuana (Reiskind, 1965)
Cardiocondyla paradoxa Emery, 1897
Cardiocondyla paranuda Seifert, 2003
Cardiocondyla parvinoda Forel, 1902
Cardiocondyla persiana Seifert, 2003
Cardiocondyla pirata Seifert & Frohschammer, 2013
Cardiocondyla rugulosa Seifert, 2003
Cardiocondyla sahlbergi Forel, 1913
Cardiocondyla sekhemka Bolton, 1982
Cardiocondyla semirubra Seifert, 2003
Cardiocondyla shagrinata Seifert, 2003
Cardiocondyla shuckardi Forel, 1891
Cardiocondyla sima Wheeler, 1935
Cardiocondyla stambuloffii Forel, 1892
Cardiocondyla strigifrons Viehmeyer, 1922
Cardiocondyla tenuifrons Seifert, 2003
Cardiocondyla thoracica (Smith, 1859)
Cardiocondyla tibetana Seifert, 2003
Cardiocondyla tiwarii Ghosh, Sheela & Kundu, 2005
Cardiocondyla tjibodana Karavaiev, 1935
Cardiocondyla ulianini Emery, 1889
Cardiocondyla unicalis Seifert, 2003
Cardiocondyla venustula Wheeler, 1908
Cardiocondyla weserka Bolton, 1982
Cardiocondyla wheeleri Viehmeyer, 1914
Cardiocondyla wroughtonii (Forel, 1890)
Cardiocondyla yemeni Collingwood & Agosti, 1996
Cardiocondyla yoruba Rigato, 2002
Cardiocondyla zoserka Bolton, 1982
Carebara aberrans (Santschi, 1937)
Carebara aborensis (Wheeler, 1913)
Carebara acuta (Weber, 1952)
Carebara acutispina (Xu, 2003)
Carebara affinis (Jerdon, 1851)
Carebara afghana (Pisarski, 1970)
Carebara africana (Forel, 1910)
Carebara alluaudi (Santschi, 1913)
Carebara alperti Fernández, 2010
Carebara alpha (Forel, 1905)
Carebara altinoda (Xu, 2003)
Carebara amia (Forel, 1913)
Carebara ampla Santschi, 1912
Carebara angolensis (Santschi, 1914)
Carebara angulata Fernández, 2004
Carebara anophthalma (Emery, 1906)
Carebara antiqua (Mayr, 1868)
Carebara arabara Fernández, 2010
Carebara arabica (Collingwood & Van Harten, 2001)
Carebara armata (Donisthorpe, 1948)
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