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Species found: 243
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Acrolophus illudens Meyrick, 1924
Lepidoptera, Acrolophidae
Acrolophus infida Meyrick, 1913
Acrolophus invida Durrant, 1915
Acrolophus irrisoria Meyrick, 1924
Acrolophus jalapae Walsingham, 1900
Acrolophus juxtatus Hasbrouck, 1964
Acrolophus kearfotti (Dyar, 1903)
Acrolophus klotsi Hasbrouck, 1964
Acrolophus laetifica Durrant, 1915
Acrolophus latiberbis Meyrick, 1931
Acrolophus laticapitana Walsingham, 1884
Acrolophus laticapitanus (Walsingham, 1884)
Acrolophus lerodes Durrant, 1914
Acrolophus leucodocis (Zeller, 1877)
Acrolophus leucopogon Walsingham, 1914
Acrolophus leucotricha Meyrick, 1931
Acrolophus libitina Druce, 1901
Acrolophus lithopa Durrant, 1914
Acrolophus luriei Hasbrouck, 1964
Acrolophus macrogaster (Walsingham, 1887)
Acrolophus macrophallus Hasbrouck, 1964
Acrolophus macrozancla Meyrick, 1922/23
Acrolophus maculata Walsingham, 1887
Acrolophus maculifer (Walsingham, 1887)
Acrolophus maculisecta Busck, 1914
Acrolophus manticodes Meyrick, 1919
Acrolophus marcida Walsingham, 1914
Acrolophus melanodoxa Meyrick, 1919
Acrolophus merocoma Meyrick, 1922
Acrolophus micromacha Meyrick, 1932
Acrolophus mimasalis Walker, 1858
Acrolophus minima Walsingham, 1887
Acrolophus minor (Dyar, 1903)
Acrolophus misema Walsingham, 1914
Acrolophus modestas Busck, 1912
Acrolophus monoctenis Meyrick, 1931
Acrolophus mora Grote, 1882
Acrolophus morbidula Meyrick, 1931
Acrolophus mortipennella (Grote, 1872)
Acrolophus mortipennellus Grote, 1872
Acrolophus morus (Grote, 1881)
Acrolophus mycetophagus Davis, 1990
Acrolophus niveipunctata Walsingham, 1891
Acrolophus noctivaga Walsingham, 1897
Acrolophus noctuina Walsingham, 1891
Acrolophus nubifer Walsingham, 1914
Acrolophus numidia Druce, 1901
Acrolophus occultum Walsingham, 1897
Acrolophus ochracea Möschler, 1890
Acrolophus ornata Walsingham, 1887
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