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Species found: 478
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Anthaxia midas Kiesenwetter, 1857
Coleoptera, Buprestidae
Anthaxia millefolii (Fabricius, 1801)
Anthaxia morio (Fabricius, 1792)
Anthaxia muehlei Niehuis, 1983
Anthaxia mysteriosa Obenberger, 1917
Anthaxia nanula Casey, 1884
Anthaxia neofunerula Obenberger, 1942
Anthaxia nereis Schaefer, 1938
Anthaxia nevadensis Obenberger, 1928
Anthaxia nigritula Ratzeburg, 1837
Anthaxia nigrojubata Roubal, 1913
Anthaxia nitidula (Linnaeus, 1758)
Anthaxia nupta Kiesenwetter, 1857
Anthaxia obesa Abeille de Perrin, 1900
Anthaxia olivieri Gory & Laporte, 1839
Anthaxia olympica Kiesenwetter, 1880
Anthaxia oregonensis Obenberger, 1942
Anthaxia parallela Gory & Laporte, 1839
Anthaxia passerini (Pecchioli, 1837)
Anthaxia pennsylvanica Obenberger, 1914
Anthaxia perrini Obenberger, 1918
Anthaxia plicata Kiesenwetter, 1859
Anthaxia podolica Mannerheim, 1837
Anthaxia porella Barr, 1974
Anthaxia praeclara Mannerheim, 1837
Anthaxia prasina Horn, 1882
Anthaxia quadripunctata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Anthaxia quercata Fabricius, 1801
Anthaxia quercicola Wellso, 1974
Anthaxia retifer LeConte, 1860
Anthaxia rossica Daniel, 1903
Anthaxia rugicollis Lucas, 1849
Anthaxia salicis Fabricius, 1776
Anthaxia schoenmanni Novak, 1984
Anthaxia scorzonerae (Frivaldszki, 1838)
Anthaxia sculpturata Barr, 1971
Anthaxia scutellaris Gene, 1839
Anthaxia segurensis Obenberger, 1924
Anthaxia semicuprea Kuster, 1852
Anthaxia senilis Wollaston, 1864
Anthaxia sepulchralis (Fabricius, 1801)
Anthaxia serripennis Obenberger, 1936
Anthaxia simiola Casey, 1884
Anthaxia sponsa Kiesenwetter, 1857
Anthaxia strigata LeConte, 1859
Anthaxia sturanyi Obenberger, 1914
Anthaxia subprasina Cobos, 1958
Anthaxia suzannae Thery, 1942
Anthaxia tarsalis Barr, 1971
Anthaxia tenella Kiesenwetter, 1858
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