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Charisina angustifrons Lindner, 1951
Diptera, Stratiomyidae
Chelonomima gracilis James, 1949
Chelonomima partiticeps Enderlein, 1914
Chelonomima proloxocera Speiser, 1922
Chelonomima signata Meijere, 1924
Chlamydonotum nigreradiatum Lindner, 1949
Chorophthalmyia brevicornis Lindner, 1964
Cibotogaster argentihirta Brunetti, 1923
Cibotogaster auricollis Brunetti, 1907
Cibotogaster azurea Gerstaecker, 1857
Cibotogaster enderleini Kertesz, 1914
Cibotogaster fumipennis Kertesz, 1914
Cibotogaster kerteszii Krivosheina, 1992
Cibotogaster varia Walker, 1854
Cibotogaster walkeri James, 1975
Clarissimyia pallipes Lindner, 1964
Cosmariomyia albarista James, 1980
Cosmariomyia argyrosticta Kertesz, 1914
Cosmariomyia pallidipennis Williston, 1901
Craspedometopon frontale Kertesz, 1909
Craspedometopon ussuricum Krivoshenia, 1973
Culcua albopilosa Matsumura, 1916
Culcua argentea Rozkosny & Kozanek, 2007
Culcua chaineyi Rozkosny & Kozanek, 2007
Culcua fasciata Rozkosny & Kozanek, 2007
Culcua kolibaci Rozkosny & Kozanek, 2007
Culcua kovaci Rozkosny & Kozanek, 2007
Culcua nigra Brunetti, 1924
Culcua normani Rozkosny & Kozanek, 2007
Culcua ornans Rozkosny & Kozanek, 2007
Culcua simulans Walker, 1856
Cyclotaspis inornata Lindner, 1964
Cynipimorpha bilimecki Brauer, 1882
Dactylacantha plaumanni Lindner, 1964
Dactylodeictes amazonicus Kertesz, 1914
Dactylodeictes brevifacies James, 1974
Dactylodeictes lopesi Lindner, 1964
Dactylodeictes medius James, 1974
Dactylotinda saegeri Lindner, 1965
Damaromyia bifossa Hardy, 1931
Damaromyia clivosa Hardy, 1931
Damaromyia confusa Hardy, 1931
Damaromyia depressa Hardy, 1931
Damaromyia discolor Hardy, 1931
Damaromyia hirsuta Hardy, 1931
Damaromyia interrupta James, 1950
Damaromyia limbipuncta Hardy, 1931
Damaromyia neohirsuta Hardy, 1939
Damaromyia nitens Hardy, 1922
Damaromyia racemipuncta Hardy, 1931
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