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Lucidota argentina Pic, 1928
Coleoptera, Lampyridae
Lucidota armata Gorham, 1884
Lucidota atra G. Olivier, 1790
Lucidota audax E. Olivier, 1896
Lucidota aurantiaca Pic, 1929
Lucidota baeri Pic, 1927
Lucidota banghaasi Pic, 1930
Lucidota banoni Laporte, 1833
Lucidota basalis Pic, 1930
Lucidota bella Gorham, 1880
Lucidota bicellonycha McDermott, 1958
Lucidota bicolor Kirsch, 1873
Lucidota binotata Pic, 1929
Lucidota binotatens McDermott, 1966
Lucidota bipartita Pic, 1927
Lucidota blanchardi E. Olivier, 1899
Lucidota bogotensis Pic, 1931
Lucidota boliviana Pic, 1927
Lucidota bruneri Mutchler, 1923
Lucidota caucaensis Pic, 1940
Lucidota chevrolati Mutchler, 1923
Lucidota chiriquiana Gorham, 1884
Lucidota cincta Motschulsky, 1854
Lucidota clermonti Pic, 1940
Lucidota comitata Gorham, 1884
Lucidota complanata Gorham, 1884
Lucidota compressicornis Fabricius, 1801
Lucidota concors E. Olivier, 1909
Lucidota conformis E. Olivier, 1907
Lucidota conradti Pic, 1940
Lucidota costata Pic, 1930
Lucidota cucullata E. Olivier, 1896
Lucidota dejeani Lucas, 1859
Lucidota diaphanura Gorham, 1881
Lucidota difformis Gorham, 1884
Lucidota dilaticornis Motschulsky, 1854
Lucidota discivittata Pic, 1943
Lucidota discoidea McDermott, 1966
Lucidota discolor Gorham, 1881
Lucidota dissimilis E. Olivier, 1909
Lucidota duplicata E. Olivier, 1910
Lucidota elapsa E. Olivier in Wytsman, 1907
Lucidota elongata Blanchard in Brullé, 1846
Lucidota emerita E. Olivier, 1910
Lucidota eucera E. Olivier in Wytsman, 1907
Lucidota fenestrata Gorham, 1884
Lucidota flabellicornis Fabricius, 1781
Lucidota flavipes Motschulsky, 1854
Lucidota fraudata E. Olivier, 1908
Lucidota fulgurans Gorham, 1880
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