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Eloria hiulca Draudt, 1927
Lepidoptera, Lymantriidae
Eloria hoplochares Collenette, 1950
Eloria insulsa Draudt, 1927
Eloria intacta Walker, 1855
Eloria jocosa Dognin, 1923
Eloria limata Draudt, 1927
Eloria lucida Walker, 1856
Eloria lyra Collenette, 1950
Eloria mallalia Schaus, 1927
Eloria manesia Schaus, 1927
Eloria marginalis Walker, 1855
Eloria melaphleba Collenette, 1950
Eloria melarrhoys Collenette, 1950
Eloria moeonia Druce, 1899
Eloria moeschleri Dognin, 1923
Eloria moesta Walker, 1856
Eloria muzo Collenette, 1950
Eloria nigella Dognin, 1923
Eloria nimbosa Dognin, 1923
Eloria ninya Dognin, 1923
Eloria noyesi Schaus, 1927
Eloria ombrea (Druce, 1885)
Eloria onaba (Druce, 1886)
Eloria opaca Dognin, 1923
Eloria orosi Collenette, 1950
Eloria pellucida (Hübner, [1823])
Eloria pelocraspeda Collenette, 1950
Eloria peruviana Collenette, 1950
Eloria remota (Walker, 1855)
Eloria roraima Collenette, 1950
Eloria rosenbergi Collenette, 1950
Eloria schausi Draudt, 1927
Eloria serena Schaus, 1906
Eloria sixola Schaus, 1910
Eloria spectra (Hübner, [1821])
Eloria subapicalis Walker, 1855
Eloria subnuda Walker, 1855
Eloria teffe Collenette, 1950
Eloria torrida Schaus, 1910
Eloria ucayali Collenette, 1950
Eloria velhoa Schaus, 1920
Eloria venosa (Walker, 1855)
Eloria walkeri Collenette, 1950
Eopirga candida Hering, 1926
Eopirga heptastica (Mabille, 1878)
Erika analava Griveaud, 1976
Etobema antra (Swinhoe, 1903)
Etobema circumdata Walker, 1865
Etobema eleuterioides (Semper, 1899)
Etobema forbesi (Druce, 1899)
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