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Leptorhabdium caucasicum Kraatz, 1879
Coleoptera, Cerambycidae
Leptorhabdium illyricum Kraatz, 1871
Leptorhabdium nitidum Holzschuh, 1974
Leptorhabdium pictum Haldeman, 1847
Leptura abdominalis Haldeman, 1847
Leptura aethiops Poda, 1761
Leptura alticola Gressitt, 1948
Leptura ambulatrix Gressitt, 1951
Leptura annularis Fabricius, 1801
Leptura anthracina LeConte, 1875
Leptura arcifera Blanchard, 1871
Leptura atrimembris Pic, 1923
Leptura auratopilosa Matsushita, 1931
Leptura aureolella Holzschuh, 2009
Leptura aurosericans Fairmaire, 1895
Leptura aurulenta Fabricius, 1793
Leptura barkamica Holzschuh, 1998
Leptura bocakorum Holzschuh, 1998
Leptura cordis Hayashi & Villiers, 1985
Leptura cuprea Weber, 1801
Leptura daliensis Holzschuh, 1998
Leptura dimorpha Bates, 1873
Leptura duodecimguttata Fabricius, 1801
Leptura formosomontana Kano, 1933
Leptura fruhstorferi Hayashi & Villiers, 1985
Leptura gradatula Holzschuh, 2006
Leptura grahamiana Gressitt, 1938
Leptura guerryi Pic, 1902
Leptura hovorei Linsley & Chemsak, 1976
Leptura kerniana Fall, 1907
Leptura kubani Holzschuh, 2006
Leptura kusamai Ohbayashi et Nakane, 1955
Leptura latipennis Matsushita, 1933
Leptura longeattenuata Pic, 1939
Leptura longipennis Statz, 1938
Leptura mimica Bates, 1884
Leptura mushana Tamanuki, 1939
Leptura naxi Holzschuh, 1998
Leptura nigroguttata Pic, 1927
Leptura obliterata Haldeman, 1847
Leptura ochraceofasciata Motschulsky, 1861
Leptura pacifica Linsley, 1940
Leptura petrorum Wickham, 1912
Leptura plagifera LeConte, 1873
Leptura plebeja Randall, 1838
Leptura ponderosissima Wickham, 1913
Leptura propinqua Bland, 1865
Leptura quadrifasciata Linnaeus, 1758
Leptura rufoannulata Pic, 1933
Leptura rufomaculata Fairmaire, 1895
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