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Antocha yatungensis Alexander, 1963
Diptera, Tipulidae
Arctoconopa aldrichi Alexander, 1924
Arctoconopa australis Savchenko, 1982
Arctoconopa bifurcata Alexander, 1919
Arctoconopa carbonipes Alexander, 1929
Arctoconopa cinctipennis Alexander, 1918
Arctoconopa forcipata Lundstrom, 1915
Arctoconopa insulana Savchenko, 1971
Arctoconopa katmai Alexander, 1920
Arctoconopa kluane Alexander, 1955
Arctoconopa manitobensis Alexander, 1929
Arctoconopa megaura Alexander, 1932
Arctoconopa melampodia Loew, 1873
Arctoconopa obscuripes (Zetterstedt, 1851)
Arctoconopa pahasapa Alexander, 1955
Arctoconopa painteri Alexander, 1929
Arctoconopa quadrivittata Siebke, 1872
Arctoconopa taimyrensis Lackschewitz, 1964
Arctoconopa zonata Zetterstedt, 1851
Atarba aetherea Bigot, 1888
Atarba almeidai Alexander, 1946
Atarba amabilis Alexander, 1928
Atarba angustipennis Alexander, 1928
Atarba anthracina Alexander, 1937
Atarba apache Alexander, 1949
Atarba aperta
Atarba apicispinosa Alexander, 1934
Atarba apoensis Alexander, 1932
Atarba aprica Alexander, 1962
Atarba argentata Edwards, 1928
Atarba argentinicola Alexander, 1921
Atarba augusta Theischinger, 1994
Atarba australasiae Skuse, 1890
Atarba bellamyi Alexander, 1950
Atarba berthae Alexander, 1948
Atarba bickeli Theischinger, 1996
Atarba bifilosa Alexander, 1948
Atarba bifurcula Alexander, 1931
Atarba bilobula Alexander, 1969
Atarba bipendula Alexander, 1966
Atarba biproducta Alexander, 1966
Atarba bipunctulata Alexander, 1932
Atarba bismila Alexander, 1969
Atarba boliviana Alexander, 1930
Atarba brevicornis Alexander, 1929
Atarba brevilyra Alexander, 1966
Atarba brevisector Alexander, 1935
Atarba brevissima Alexander, 1944
Atarba brunneicornis Alexander, 1916
Atarba bulbifera Alexander, 1943
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