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Species found: 250
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Leia indica Brunetti, 1912
Diptera, Mycetophilidae
Leia innotata Enderlein, 1910
Leia insignis Brunetti, 1912
Leia intermissa Tollet, 1956
Leia interrupta Kertesz, 1901
Leia ishitanii Sasakawa, 1994
Leia iturupensis Zaitzev, 2001
Leia jeanneli Edwards, 1914
Leia junai Lane, 1950
Leia kamijoi Sasakawa, 1964
Leia kaszabi Lastovka & Matile, 1974
Leia leucocera Edwards, 1933
Leia lineola Adams, 1903
Leia longiseta Barendrecht, 1938
Leia longwangshana Wu, 2002
Leia maculosa Strobl, 1900
Leia major Edwards, 1933
Leia malleolus Freeman, 1954
Leia martinovskyi Sevcik & Papp, 2003
Leia melaena Loew, 1869
Leia melanoptera Ostroverkhova, 1977
Leia monoleuca Edwards, 1933
Leia montanosilvatica Zaitzev, 1994
Leia muhavuraensis Tollet, 1956
Leia nepalensis Plassmann, 1977
Leia ngorongoroensis Vanschuytbroeck, 1965
Leia nigricans Tollet, 1956
Leia nigricauda Edwards, 1933
Leia nigripalpis Edwards, 1928
Leia nigriventris Edwards, 1932
Leia nigrocornis Van Duzee, 1928
Leia nigronitida Edwards, 1914
Leia nigrospleniata Lynch Arribalzaga, 1892
Leia nitens Williston, 1896
Leia notabilis Edwards, 1914
Leia oblectabilis Loew, 1869
Leia oliveirai Lane, 1959
Leia opima Loew, 1869
Leia orientalis Vanschuytbroeck, 1965
Leia padana Chandler, 2004
Leia paranensis Edwards, 1933
Leia paulensis Edwards, 1933
Leia pauliani Matile, 1969
Leia pedifera Edwards, 1933
Leia picta Meigen, 1830
Leia picticornis Kertesz, 1902
Leia piffardi Edwards, 1925
Leia pilosa Okada, 1938
Leia plaumanni Lane, 1959
Leia plebeja Johannsen, 1912
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