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Chaetovoria seriata Aldrich, 1926
Diptera, Tachinidae
Cockerelliana capitata Townsend, 1915
Cordyligaster analis Macquart, 1851
Cordyligaster fuscifacies Bigot, 1888
Cordyligaster minuscula Wulp, 1891
Cordyligaster nyomula Townsend, 1914
Cordyligaster petiolata Wiedemann, 1830
Cordyligaster septentrionalis Townsend, 1909
Cordyligaster tipuliformis Walker, 1858
Cordyligaster townsendi Guimaraes, 1971
Cyrtophleba arabica Zeegers, 2007
Cyrtophleba asiatica Mesnil, 1974
Cyrtophleba coquilletti Aldrich, 1926
Cyrtophleba eremophila Richter, 1967
Cyrtophleba horrida Giglio-Tos, 1893
Cyrtophleba nitida Curran, 1930
Cyrtophleba pollyclari Rocha-e-Silva, de M. D'A. Lopes & Della Lucia, 1999
Cyrtophleba rhois Townsend, 1916
Cyrtophleba ruricola Meigen, 1824
Cyrtophleba vernalis Kramer, 1917
Dexia abzoe Walker, 1849
Dexia analis Say, 1829
Dexia atripes Malloch, 1935
Dexia aurohumera Emden, 1947
Dexia basalis Walker, 1853
Dexia basifera Walker, 1859
Dexia bifasciata Meigen, 1826
Dexia bivittata Townsend, 1928
Dexia breviciliata Pandelle, 1896
Dexia brunnicornis Macquart, 1843
Dexia buccata Emden, 1947
Dexia caldwelli Curran, 1927
Dexia capensis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
Dexia convexa Walker, 1853
Dexia cremides Walker, 1849
Dexia cuthbertsoni Curran, 1941
Dexia dejeanii Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
Dexia divergens Walker, 1856
Dexia effulgens Wood, 1874
Dexia extendens Walker, 1856
Dexia fingens Walker, 1853
Dexia flavida Townsend, 1925
Dexia flavipes Coquillett, 1898
Dexia formosana Townsend, 1927
Dexia fraseri Malloch, 1935
Dexia fulvifera Roder, 1893
Dexia fuscanipennis Macquart, 1846
Dexia fusiformis Walker, 1861
Dexia genuina Wulp, 1891
Dexia gilva Mesnil, 1980
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