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Argyrophylax bisetosa Thompson, 1963
Diptera, Tachinidae
Argyrophylax cinerella Mensil, 1953
Argyrophylax contracta Walker, 1859
Argyrophylax discreta Mesnil, 1953
Argyrophylax franseni Baranov, 1934
Argyrophylax fransseni Baranov, 1934
Argyrophylax fumipennis Townsend, 1926
Argyrophylax gowdeyi Curran, 1928
Argyrophylax nigribarbis Baranov, 1934
Argyrophylax nigrotibialis Baranov, 1935
Argyrophylax niveifacies Macquart, 1851
Argyrophylax phoeda Townsend, 1927
Argyrophylax proclinatus Crosskey, 1963
Argyrophylax purpurescens Townsend, 1929
Argyrophylax solomonicus Baranov, 1938
Argyrophylax triangulifera Thompson, 1963
Argyrophylax trisetosa Curran, 1928
Asseclamyia sphenofrons Reinhard, 1956
Atacta argentifrons Aldrich, 1925
Atacta brasiliensis Schiner, 1868
Atacta crassiceps Aldrich, 1925
Atacta crescentis Townsend, 1916
Atactopsis facialis Townsend, 1917
Atactopsis reinhardi Sabrosky & Arnaud, 1965
Austrophorocera aequalis Malloch, 1935
Austrophorocera alba Townsend, 1917
Austrophorocera bancrofti Crosskey, 1967
Austrophorocera biserialis Macquart, 1847
Austrophorocera cocciphila Aldrich and Webber, 1924
Austrophorocera coccyx Aldrich and Webber, 1924
Austrophorocera decedens Walker, 1860
Austrophorocera disparis Sabrosky, 1976
Austrophorocera einaris Smith, 1912
Austrophorocera fasciata Townsend, 1928
Austrophorocera gilpiniae Mesnil, 1971
Austrophorocera grandis Macquart, 1851
Austrophorocera heros Schiner, 1868
Austrophorocera hirsuta Mesnil, 1947
Austrophorocera imitator Aldrich and Webber, 1924
Austrophorocera immersa Walker, 1859
Austrophorocera incospicuoides Baranov, 1932
Austrophorocera isabeli Baranov, 1938
Austrophorocera laetifica Mesnil, 1950
Austrophorocera longiuscula Walker, 1858
Austrophorocera lucagus Walker, 1849
Austrophorocera macquarti Crosskey, 1973
Austrophorocera meridionalis Thompson, 1968
Austrophorocera minor Thompson, 1968
Austrophorocera munda Wiedemann, 1830
Austrophorocera ophirica Walker, 1856
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