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Allodape ceratinoides Gribodo, 1884
Hymenoptera, Apidae
Allodape chapini Cockerell, 1932
Allodape collaris Vachal, 1903
Allodape dapa Strand, 1912
Allodape ellioti Saussure, 1897
Allodape exoloma Strand, 1915
Allodape friesei Strand, 1915
Allodape greatheadi Michener, 1970
Allodape interrupta Vachal, 1903
Allodape laeviceps Strand, 1912
Allodape macula Strand, 1912
Allodape mea Strand, 1912
Allodape microsticta Cockerell, 1934
Allodape mirabilis Schulz, 1906
Allodape mucronata Smith, 1854
Allodape nula Strand, 1912
Allodape obscuripennis Strand, 1915
Allodape panurgoides Smith, 1854
Allodape pernix Bingham, 1903
Allodape pictifrons Smith, 1854
Allodape punctata Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville, 1825
Allodape quadrilineata Cameron, 1905
Allodape rufogastra Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville, 1825
Allodape skaifeorum Michener, 1975
Allodape stellarum Cockerell, 1916
Allodape tridentipes Cockerell, 1933
Allodapula acutigera Cockerell, 1936
Allodapula brunnescens Cockerell, 1934
Allodapula dichroa Strand, 1915
Allodapula empeyi Michener, 1975
Allodapula guillarmodi Michener, 1970
Allodapula hessei Michener, 1971
Allodapula jucunda Smith, 1879
Allodapula maculithorax Michener, 1971
Allodapula melanopus Cameron, 1905
Allodapula monticola Cockerell, 1933
Allodapula ornaticeps Michener, 1971
Allodapula palliceps Friese, 1924
Allodapula rozeni Michener, 1975
Allodapula turneri Cockerell, 1934
Allodapula variegata Smith, 1854
Allodapula xerica Michener, 1971
Allodioxys ammobius Mavromoustakis, 1954
Hymenoptera, Megachilidae
Allodioxys limbifera Pérez, 1895
Allodioxys moricei Friese, 1899
Allodioxys schulthessi Popov, 1936
Alloscirtetica alvarengai Urban, 1971
Alloscirtetica ameghinoi Brèthes, 1910
Alloscirtetica antarctica Holmberg, 1903
Alloscirtetica arrhenica Vachal, 1904
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