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Cicada marginata Sulzer, 1761
Hemiptera, Cicadidae
Cicada melanaria Germar, 1830
Cicada melanoptera Gmelin, 1789
Cicada mordoganensis Boulard, 1979
Cicada nigropunctata Goeze, 1778
Cicada novella Metcalf, 1963
Cicada orni Linnaeus, 1758
Cicada pennata Distant, 1881
Cicada purpurescens Metcalf, 1963
Cicada sahlbergi Stål, 1854
Cicada thalassina Germar, 1830
Cicada turtoni Metcalf, 1963
Cicadatra alhageos (Kolenati, 1857)
Cicadatra atra (Olivier, 1790)
Cicadatra hyalina (Fabricius, 1798)
Cicadatra hyalinata (Brullé, 1832)
Cicadatra persica Kirkaldy, 1909
Cicadatra querula (Pallas, 1773)
Cicadetta albipennis Fieber, 1876
Cicadetta calliope Walker, 1850
Cicadetta camerona Davis, 1920
Cicadetta caucasica (Kolenati, 1857)
Cicadetta concinna (Germar, 1821)
Cicadetta dubia (Rambur, 1840)
Cicadetta fangoana Boulard, 1976
Cicadetta flaveola (Brullé, 1832)
Cicadetta hageni Fieber, 1872
Cicadetta kansa Davis, 1919
Cicadetta lobulata Fieber, 1876
Cicadetta mediterranea Fieber, 1876
Cicadetta montana (Scopoli, 1772)
Cicadetta pellosoma (Uhler, 1861)
Cicadetta petryi Schumacher, 1924
Cicadetta podolica (Eichwald, 1830)
Cicadetta ramosi Sanborn, 2009
Cicadetta surinamensis Kirkaldy, 1909
Cicadetta texana Davis, 1936
Cicadetta undulata (Waltl, 1837)
Cicadetta yezoensis (Matsumura, 1898)
Cicadivetta tibialis (Panzer, 1798)
Clidophleps astigma Davis, 1917
Clidophleps beameri Davis, 1936
Clidophleps blaisdellii Uhler, 1892
Clidophleps distanti Van Duzee, 1914
Clidophleps rotundifrons Davis, 1916
Clidophleps tenuis Davis, 1927
Clidophleps vagans Davis, 1925
Clidophleps wrighti Davis, 1926
Coata facialis Distant, 1906
Coata fragilis Goding, 1925
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