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Species found: 1038
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Diplacina clymene Lieftinck, 1963
Odonata, Libellulidae
Diplacina cyrene Lieftinck, 1953
Diplacina dioxippe Lieftinck, 1963
Diplacina erigone Lieftinck, 1953
Diplacina fulgens Ris, 1898
Diplacina hippolyte Lieftinck, 1933
Diplacina ismene Lieftinck, 1933
Diplacina lisa Needham & Gyger, 1941
Diplacina merope Lieftinck, 1963
Diplacina micans Lieftinck, 1953
Diplacina militaris Ris, 1909
Diplacina nana Brauer, 1868
Diplacina paula Ris, 1919
Diplacina persephone Lieftinck, 1933
Diplacina phoebe Ris, 1915
Diplacina sanguinolenta van Tol, 1987
Diplacina smaragdina Selys, 1878
Diplacina torrenticola van Tol, 1987
Diplacodes bipunctata Brauer, 1865
Diplacodes deminuta Lieftinck, 1969
Diplacodes exul Selys, 1883
Diplacodes haematodes Burmeister, 1839
Diplacodes lefebvrii Rambur, 1842
Diplacodes luminans Karsch, 1893
Diplacodes melanopsis Martin, 1901
Diplacodes nebulosa Fabricius, 1793
Diplacodes pumila Dijkstra, 2006
Diplacodes ramburii Kirby, 1890
Diplacodes remota Ris, 1911
Diplacodes trivialis Rambur, 1842
Dythemis fugax Hagen, 1861
Dythemis maya Calvert, 1906
Dythemis multipunctata Kirby, 1894
Dythemis nigra Martin, 1897
Dythemis nigrescens Calvert, 1899
Dythemis rufinervis Burmeister, 1839
Dythemis sterilis Hagen, 1861
Dythemis velox Hagen, 1861
Edonis helena Needham, 1905
Elasmothemis alcebiadesi Santos, 1945
Elasmothemis aliciae Gonzalez-Soriano & Novelo-Gutierrez, 2006
Elasmothemis cannacrioides Calvert, 1906
Elasmothemis constricta Calvert, 1898
Elasmothemis kiautai De Marmels, 1989
Elasmothemis rufa De Marmels, 2008
Elasmothemis schubarti Santos, 1945
Elasmothemis williamsoni Ris, 1919
Eleuthemis buettikoferi Ris, 1910
Elga leptostyla Ris, 1911
Elga newtonsantosi Machado, 1992
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