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Macrobathra hamaxitodes Meyrick, 1886
Lepidoptera, Cosmopterigidae
Macrobathra harmostis Meyrick, 1888
Macrobathra hedrastis Meyrick, 1915
Macrobathra heminephela Meyrick, 1886
Macrobathra hemitropa Meyrick, 1886
Macrobathra heterozona Meyrick, 1888
Macrobathra hexadyas Meyrick, 1906
Macrobathra homocosma Meyrick, 1902
Macrobathra honoratella Walker, 1864
Macrobathra hyalistis Meyrick, 1888
Macrobathra isoscelana Lower, 1893
Macrobathra lamprotypa Turner, 1932
Macrobathra leucopeda Meyrick, 1886
Macrobathra leucozancla Turner, 1932
Macrobathra lunacrescens Lucas, 1901
Macrobathra lychnophora Turner, 1932
Macrobathra melanargyra Meyrick, 1886
Macrobathra melanomitra Meyrick, 1886
Macrobathra melanota Meyrick, 1886
Macrobathra mesopora Meyrick, 1886
Macrobathra metallica Lower, 1899
Macrobathra micropis Lower, 1894
Macrobathra microspora Lower, 1900
Macrobathra monoclina Meyrick, 1915
Macrobathra monostadia Meyrick, 1886
Macrobathra monoxantha Meyrick, 1922
Macrobathra myriophthalma Meyrick, 1886
Macrobathra myrocoma Meyrick, 1914
Macrobathra nephelomorpha Meyrick, 1886
Macrobathra neurocoma Meyrick, 1930
Macrobathra nimbifera Turner, 1932
Macrobathra niphadobola Meyrick, 1886
Macrobathra nomaea Meyrick, 1914
Macrobathra notomitra Meyrick, 1924
Macrobathra notozyga Meyrick, 1914
Macrobathra obliquata Lower, 1901
Macrobathra ochanota Meyrick, 1915
Macrobathra opposita Meyrick, 1920
Macrobathra paracentra Lower, 1893
Macrobathra parthenistis Meyrick, 1888
Macrobathra peraeota Meyrick, 1921
Macrobathra petalitis Meyrick, 1915
Macrobathra phernaea Lower, 1899
Macrobathra philopsamma Lower, 1900
Macrobathra phryganina Turner, 1932
Macrobathra platychroa Lower, 1897
Macrobathra platyzona Turner, 1932
Macrobathra polypasta Turner, 1932
Macrobathra pompholyctis Meyrick, 1888
Macrobathra porphyrea Meyrick, 1886
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