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Kalohydnobius dentatus Peck and Cook, 2009
Coleoptera, Leiodidae
Kalohydnobius strigilatus Horn, 1880
Leiodes alesi Baranowski, 1993
Leiodes alternata Melsheimer, 1844
Leiodes antennata Fall, 1910
Leiodes appalachiana Baranowski, 1993
Leiodes assimilis LeConte, 1850
Leiodes assimiloides Baranowski, 1993
Leiodes austriacus Daffner, 1983
Leiodes autumnalis Baranowski, 1993
Leiodes badius (Sturm, 1807)
Leiodes bicolor (Schmidt, 1841)
Leiodes brandisi (Holdhaus, 1902)
Leiodes brunneus (Sturm, 1807)
Leiodes californica Baranowski, 1993
Leiodes campbelli Baranowski, 1993
Leiodes canariensis (Wollaston, 1863)
Leiodes carpathicus (Ganglbauer, 1896)
Leiodes cascadensis Baranowski, 1993
Leiodes castanescens (Fairmaire, 1881)
Leiodes ciliaris (Schmidt, 1841)
Leiodes cinnamomeus (Panzer, 1793)
Leiodes collaris LeConte, 1850
Leiodes conferta LeConte, 1866
Leiodes conjuncta Baranowski, 1993
Leiodes contaminabilis Baranowski, 1993
Leiodes curvata Mannerheim, 1853
Leiodes difficilis Horn, 1880
Leiodes dilutipes (Sahlberg, 1903)
Leiodes discontignyi (Brisout, 1867)
Leiodes distinguendus (Fairmaire, 1856)
Leiodes dubius (Kugelann, 1794)
Leiodes ferrugineus (Fabricius, 1787)
Leiodes flavescens (Schmidt, 1841)
Leiodes flavicornis (Brisout, 1883)
Leiodes fractus (Seidlitz, 1874)
Leiodes furvus (Erichson, 1845)
Leiodes gallicus (Reitter, 1884)
Leiodes ganglbaueri (Holdhaus, 1902)
Leiodes graecus Svec, 1993
Leiodes graefi Svec, 1994
Leiodes grandipes Baranowski, 1993
Leiodes grossa Hatch, 1957
Leiodes gyllenhalii Stephens, 1829
Leiodes hiemalis (Abeille, 1901)
Leiodes horni Hatch, 1957
Leiodes hybridus (Erichson, 1845)
Leiodes impersonata Brown, 1932
Leiodes impressa Baranowski, 1993
Leiodes inordinatus (Sahlberg, 1898)
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