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Gonophora angusta Gestro, 1917
Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae
Gonophora annamita Pic, 1930
Gonophora apicalis Baly, 1858
Gonophora atra Gestro, 1885
Gonophora basalis Gestro, 1885
Gonophora bicoloripes Pic, 1930
Gonophora bimaculata Chapuis, 1876
Gonophora blandula Würmli, 1976
Gonophora borneana Gressitt, 1939
Gonophora bowringii Baly, 1858
Gonophora brevicornis Weise, 1905
Gonophora cariosa Gestro, 1897
Gonophora cariosicollis Gestro, 1903
Gonophora chalybeata Baly, 1858
Gonophora chapuisi Baly, 1876
Gonophora clathrata Gestro, 1908
Gonophora coomani Pic, 1930
Gonophora diluta Gestro, 1897
Gonophora donckieri Pic, 1930
Gonophora exilis Gestro, 1919
Gonophora femorata Weise, 1913
Gonophora gibbera Uhmann, 1960
Gonophora haemorrhoidalis Weber, 1801
Gonophora integra Baly, 1858
Gonophora laevicollis Uhmann, 1928
Gonophora lineata Baly, 1878
Gonophora linkei Uhmann, 1930
Gonophora maculipennis Gestro, 1906
Gonophora masoni Baly, 1888
Gonophora mindoroica Uhmann, 1955
Gonophora mjobergi Uhmann, 1939
Gonophora nigricauda Motschulsky, 1866
Gonophora nigrimembris Weise, 1924
Gonophora nitidicollis Gestro, 1899
Gonophora oenoptera Gestro, 1897
Gonophora opacipennis Gestro, 1903
Gonophora pallida Baly, 1858
Gonophora pitambara Basu, 1999
Gonophora pulchella Gestro, 1888
Gonophora raapii Gestro, 1897
Gonophora raktava Basu, 1999
Gonophora ritsemae Gestro, 1896
Gonophora rufula Gestro, 1897
Gonophora semifusca Gestro, 1899
Gonophora sundaica Gestro, 1910
Gonophora taylori Spaeth, 1933
Gonophora tibialis Baly, 1878
Gonophora uhmanni Pic, 1930
Gonophora unifasciata Gestro, 1885
Gonophora unimaculata Pic, 1930
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