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Catabenoides terminellus (Grote, 1883)
Lepidoptera, Noctuidae
Catabenoides vitrina (Walker, 1857)
Cerapoda aegyptiaca de Joannis, 1910
Cerapoda aegyptica Joannis, 1910
Cerapoda stylata Smith, 1893
Charierges brunneomedia Draudt, 1950
Charierges nigralba Draudt, 1950
Chubutiana nigripes Köhler, 1952
Comodoria splendida Köhler, 1952
Compsotata elegantissima (Guenée, 1852)
Compsotata janmoullei (Kiriakoff, 1954)
Copanarta aurea (Grote, 1879)
Copiphana gafsana (Blachier, 1905)
Copiphana kraussi (Rebel, 1895)
Copitarsia basilinea Köhler, 1959
Copitarsia consueta Walker, 1857
Copitarsia editae (Angulo & Jana-Saenz, 1982)
Copitarsia hampsoni Brèthes, 1923
Copitarsia heydenreichii (Freyer, [1850])
Copitarsia humilis (Blanchard, 1852)
Copitarsia incommoda (Walker, 1865)
Copitarsia naenioides (Butler, 1882)
Copitarsia patagonica Hampson, 1906
Copitarsia purilinea (Mabille, 1885)
Copitype pagodae (Alphéraky, 1892)
Cotarsina belensis Köhler, 1973
Cotarsina clavata Köhler, 1952
Cotarsina fleissiana Köhler, 1959
Cotarsina gentiliana Köhler, 1961
Cotarsina gracilis Köhler, 1961
Cotarsina gracilisoides Poole, 1989
Cotarsina maxima Köhler, 1961
Cotarsina roseofulva Köhler, 1952
Cotarsina sulferea Köhler, 1973
Cotarsina sulfurea Köhler, 1973
Cotarsina vivax Köhler, 1952
Cucullia absinthii (Linnaeus, 1761)
Cucullia achilleae (Guenee, 1852)
Cucullia aksuana Draudt, 1935
Cucullia albida Smith, 1894
Cucullia albifuscata Janse, 1939
Cucullia albilineata Gaede, 1934
Cucullia albipennis Hampson, 1894
Cucullia alfarata Strecker, 1898
Cucullia amoena Philippi, 1860
Cucullia amota (Alpheraky, 1887)
Cucullia andraei Köhler, 1953
Cucullia anthocharis Boursin, 1969
Cucullia antipoda Strecker, 1878
Cucullia aplana Viette, 1958
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