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Eriopyga epipsilina Draudt, 1924
Lepidoptera, Noctuidae
Eriopyga erythropis Hampson, 1909
Eriopyga euchroa Hampson, 1911
Eriopyga eugrapha Hampson, 1913
Eriopyga eugraphica Hampson, 1913
Eriopyga euryte Druce, 1898
Eriopyga evanida Schaus, 1911
Eriopyga excavata Hampson, 1905
Eriopyga fea (Druce, 1889)
Eriopyga flammans Dognin, 1907
Eriopyga flavigera Guenée, 1852
Eriopyga flavirufa Hampson, 1909
Eriopyga friburgensis (Guenée, 1852)
Eriopyga fulvida Druce, 1905
Eriopyga fuscescens Draudt, 1924
Eriopyga fuscibarbata Hampson, 1905
Eriopyga gigantea Schaus, 1903
Eriopyga glacistis Hampson, 1905
Eriopyga glaucopis Hampson, 1909
Eriopyga goniostigma Schaus, 1903
Eriopyga griseirena Schaus, 1906
Eriopyga griseorufa Druce, 1908
Eriopyga ignescens Schaus, 1903
Eriopyga ignita Jones, 1915
Eriopyga infelix Dyar, 1910
Eriopyga iole (Schaus, 1894)
Eriopyga iridescens Draudt, 1924
Eriopyga janeira (Schaus, 1898)
Eriopyga lactipex Dognin, 1914
Eriopyga lanaris Butler, 1890
Eriopyga lathen Dyar, 1927
Eriopyga leucocraspis Dognin, 1916
Eriopyga leucopera Schaus, 1903
Eriopyga lilacea Köhler, 1947
Eriopyga limonis Schaus, 1911
Eriopyga lindigi (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874)
Eriopyga lodebar Druce
Eriopyga lubrica Dognin, 1914
Eriopyga lycophotia Jones, 1915
Eriopyga lycophotoides D. Jones
Eriopyga macrolepia Hampson, 1905
Eriopyga magnifica Zerny, 1916
Eriopyga magniorbis Dognin, 1914
Eriopyga magnirena Dognin, 1914
Eriopyga majuscula Herrich-Schäffer, 1868
Eriopyga marginalis (Schaus, 1903)
Eriopyga mediorufa (Schaus, 1903)
Eriopyga melaleuca Druce, 1908
Eriopyga melanogaster (Guenée, 1852)
Eriopyga melanosigma Hampson, 1909
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