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Astaenomoechus mixtus Howden & Gill, 2003
Coleoptera, Hybosoridae
Astaenomoechus multipunctatus Howden & Gill, 2003
Astaenomoechus nevermanni Boucomont, 1936
Astaenomoechus paniculus Howden & Gill, 2003
Astaenomoechus parvosetosus Howden & Gill, 2003
Astaenomoechus punctifrons Howden & Gill, 2003
Astaenomoechus redtenbacheri Harold, 1874
Astaenomoechus setosus Boucomont, 1936
Astaenomoechus setulosus Harold, 1874
Astaenomoechus solisi Howden & Gill, 2003
Astaenomoechus strigulosus Howden & Gill, 2003
Astaenomoechus unidentatus Petrovitz, 1973
Aulisostes paradoxus Paulian, 1982
Aulisostes pseudoparadoxus Howden & Gill, 2001
Baloghianestes anceps Ballerio, Gill & Grebennikov, 2011
Baloghianestes korupensis Ballerio, Gill & Grebennikov, 2011
Baloghianestes lissoubai Paulian, 1968
Baloghianestes oribatidiformis Ballerio, Gill & Grebennikov, 2011
Besuchetostes besucheti Paulian, 1972
Besuchetostes dubium Paulian, 1975
Besuchetostes hindu Paulian, 1975
Besuchetostes howdeni Paulian, 1979
Besuchetostes jaccoudi Paulian, 1977
Besuchetostes keralae Paulian, 1975
Besuchetostes kodaikanalense Paulian, 1975
Besuchetostes loebli Paulian, 1972
Besuchetostes mussardi Paulian, 1972
Besuchetostes peradeniyae Paulian, 1972
Besuchetostes taprobanae Paulian, 1972
Brenskea chudeaui Reitter, 1909
Brenskea coronata Reitter, 1891
Callophilharmostes fleutiauxii Paulian, 1942
Callosides bartolozzii PAULIAN & CAMBEFORT, 1995
Callosides campbelli Howden, 1971
Callosides genieri Howden, 2001
Carinophilharmostes vadoni Paulian, 1937
Celaenochrous sinensis Kuijten, 1984
Ceratocanthoides undatus Petrovitz, 1973
Ceratocanthopsis fulgida Martinez, 1967
Ceratocanthopsis pernitida Paulian, 1982
Ceratocanthopsis pygmaea Harold, 1874
Ceratocanthus aeneus Macleay, 1819
Ceratocanthus amazonicus Paulian, 1982
Ceratocanthus aureolus Harold, 1874
Ceratocanthus baniensis Howden, 1978
Ceratocanthus basilicus Germar, 1843
Ceratocanthus bicinctoides Paulian, 1982
Ceratocanthus bicinctus Erichson, 1843
Ceratocanthus bonfilsi Chalumeau, 1977
Ceratocanthus brasiliensis Lansberge, 1887
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